Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, March 16, 2008

reptilian fair

went to that place earlier with hubby. snapped few photos. weird n some are like scary. haha. ade snakes, monkeys, hmm.. ade satu tu cam wolverine tapi dunno la betul ke tak. sbb the whole body hitam but kaki n tangan all yellow. then, cobra takde. maybe die simpan. not suitable for that time. masa nak balik tadi, parrot tu marah tau. got this guard like feed the bird, then the bird cam nak jatuh, but the guard pushed him up n that makes the bird thot someone is attacking him/her. bising bukan main lagi. cam nak protect himself. syian lak. tapi he kena gari kat tiang tu so die tak fly gi mane2. so many species n types of animals. nnt i upload photos.

hari ni i like mkn bnyk. sbb lapar. ape la i. hari tu baru baik sakit perut kan. kena take care. tapi tadi makan nasi lemak curry ayam. then petang tadi plak makan nasi + tomyam + telur dadar + ayam kunyit. wah.. sorry hubby. die ckp nak pegi jog but at last tak jadi. pegi makan instead. hmm.. bertambah la berat badan kite ye. how to diet ni. ohh.. tak blh tak blh. haha =)

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