Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, March 3, 2008


a bit rasa geram sbb i nak buat i nye blog lagi look fun. bnyk benda i surf tp tak jumpe ape yg i cari. i juz feel the background is a bit plain. anyone with any infos on how to make it fancy?? pls.. pls.. hehe.. btw, i juz started with fotopages. the same url except the last bit. change it to fotopages.com haha. but only 1 post at the time. will update those as well. tapi my pics bnyk blum trf lagi. nnt la ye. blum ade time yg sesuai lagi ni. i jap lagi nk tido dh. a bit sleepy. nk gayut kat fon kejap. pastu it's time to sleep..sleep..sleep..

my frens juz got back from penang. cam syok je. i pun nk gi travel jalan2. dunno when yet la. takpela.. nnt dh smp time sure i akan jejak kaki gak kan. kumpul enuf $ dulu baru syok nak pegi jln2.

hmm.. nw tgh search how to insert emoticons.. if i dh tau nnt i akan add banyak banyak.. eleh..hubby tu ckp skang tak senang. tak nak buat keje remeh. tak nak kawan. =( hahahahaa..jgn mrh ye. love u! =)

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