Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, March 13, 2008


dh balik. tadi dinner ngan hubby. makan nasi + ikan bawal sweet sour + kailan ikan masin + telur bistik. yum.. yum.. i kenyang. alhamdulillah. hari ni from ofis quite early. roughly ard 6.15pm. tadi lepak2 b4 mandi i menari-nari. sway. among my favourite tune. i was like recalling wat i've learnt thru my dancing class in school. hmm.. i menari ikut rentak sendiri je. haha. nnt nk ajak hubby gi dance la. dh lame tak dance. i mmg suke dance. pape pun blh. dulu i ade la nak masuk dancing clas time college tp hubby tak kasi. =( skang ni malas pun ade kan.

sometimes kan i teringat la time dulu2. awal2 masa baru kenal itu orang name gonz. a lot of things yg i nak buat die tak kasi. sume tak kasi. tu tak boleh.. ni tak boleh. reason die u tu tak tau pape. i ni guy n i see for ur future. ye la. ye la. dulu slalu gak gaduh kan. almost evry week. ade je benda nak gaduh. pape ntah. so childish. kelakar pun ade. haha. tapi tu semua kenangan n memories. money can't buy all of that. so hopefully blh dijadikan panduan for me to teruskan life in the next generation.

i ni dh lama kenal hubby. this year is almost the 8th year. alhamdulillah. banyak benda yg we all go thru. from susah senang gaduh merajuk.. nk break-up pun ade. but on top all that i sayang sgt same die. love him so much only God knows. tapi adat la kan couples gaduh. i ni degil tau n very2 selfish. even now i tau i stil sellfish. evrything me, me, me my stuff, my stuff, my stuff. tapi takleh la nak macam tu slalu. not good. kena give n take. in a lot of things.

tadi masa we all makan. we all talk bout future, $$, how to generate more $ for the usage of our future. hmm.. rasa cam sakit kepala pun ade. tapi tu la. we all have to start early as wat hubby said so towrds the pencen time dh boleh lepak je. income tetap masyuk. hehe.. tapi kena work hard la dulu in the early days. takpe la. pelan2 la kite susun strategi so blh survive n success. gud luck! chaiyok! chaiyok!

panjang nye aku membebel ni. haha.. takpela.. rasa cam nak tulis panjang2. kekeke... if takde idea mesti tak tulis pape. actually i start writing journals when i was in standard 6. then, that habits continue to secondary skool, to college, then to now la until ppl discover "blogging" journals online. but i have fun doing it. last time i used to buy cute cute books then i'll write into them. so one year like 3 4 books. ade la kat umah. if org jumpe mesti baca. tapi cam funny la bile baca balik. like blogging ni it save trees. tapi bile nak baca kena online. takleh nak simpan2. tapi takpela. for my own kan. happy to have thi sort of thing. so, when i was away from home n got internet connection n feels like blogging, there u go. blh trus post je. syok kan. last time i used to carry that cute book around. so i can jot down many things. la. tapi at times skang ni ade jgk i pk nak tuka bali pegi buku. tapi susah la plak. nak bawak buku2 ni kan. blog je la jawabnye. haha.

now march is in the middele of the month. brape hari je lagi nak habis bulan 3 ni. pastu masuk bulan baru. we got like 8 months ok b. kena prepare ourselves btul2 ni. how? jgn stress sgt. insya-Allah rezeki ade di mana2 as long as we berusaha kan.

oklah. i'll stop now. dh rs panjang plak i tulis this time. maybe take half of the page. hehe.. =)

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