Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, March 15, 2008

shopping.. =)

yaay! shopping. that's wat i like to do. haha. today i went to bb wit farid. we gerak from home ard 12pm. then amik license L farid then isi minyak. off to kl. jln tak brape jam until i reached the bukit bintang area. as usual la. saturday afternoon aite. dh park. roughly dlm 1.30pm. then lunch dulu. makan chicken rice. kenyang! baru ade energy nak berjalan. pastu start our shopping. quite lame gak la sbb hubby call kul 5.30 we all blum blk lagi. i tgh test baju time tu. haha. at last tak jumpe. we bought cookies instead then gerak la balik. i bought few under garments, baju n skirt. i got took photos of it. will upload it soon. haha.. then balik jumpe hubby. hari ni die lepak umah baked pizza ngan mum die. dough tu a bit tebal. tapi takpe. congrats congrats sbb sedp jgk. not bad ok. n beruntung nye dpt u sbb pandai masak. love ya.

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