Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

monday monday

yesterday, i went home quite early la. roughly ard 5.40pm coz it looked like it's going to be raining heavily. but i got in the car, car can start but it cannot move when ever i press the accelerator. y huh? i dh a bit worried coz it is goin to rain. then camne nak balik. roughly smp umah dlm 6.00pm. hahaha. but tak jadi hujan tau. then, i angkat some of my stuff to the house. a bit penat la. then turun balik gi kedai serbaneka sbb nak beli roti. milo ade tapi lapar la sbb roti takde. pastu bedal la roti cicah milo while watching this new cinetron called 'bella' org lain blum balik lagi. so i sengsorang la kejap kat umah. roughly rumah tu penuh dlm 7.30pm. haha.. lepak jap. borak2 tgk tv. then hubby citer kat i psl he tak satisfied with this kakak at his ofis sbb curi his perfume. tapi the kakak returned it back by putting it under his car seat. he like so BENGANG.. BENGANG. syian die. tapi he said lps ni mmg tak trust lagi la kat that particular lady. aiyyoo.. kata gaji dlm rm6k. but y la must curi2. really bad habit. or izzit her habit since young? she's like what ..37 if i'm not mistaken. or is she doing that to get the limelight or to attract attention of those ppl ard her.
dinner makan hot dog n fried rice. kenyang giler. pastu watched the holiday. but tak hbs sbb sanagt mengantuk. planned to watch it later at nite la. haha.. dlm satu minggu rasa blh hbs 1 movie je sbb tak tgk habis. hahaha..
nway, juz got back from lunch. hujan lebat sekarang ni kat luar. rain.. or that RAIN from Korea.

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