Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, March 3, 2008

i'm late

hahaha.. don't get me wrong. i'm late as in to wake up. i locked my alarm at 6am but i woke up at 7.15am suddenly like sumbody wake me up saying hey, dh lambat. bgn la pegi keje. haha.. dh bgn tu termenung la plak kan. lost kejap. then kejut hubby. 1st day of work. dlm 7.30 br mandi. then kemas2, breakfast, pukul 8 baru gerak. haha.. smp ofis ard 9am. hubby ckp not that late. pastu gi beli bihun fr breakfast. hubby breakfast roti telur dulu b4 work. then i tell u, fon die ringing tp die takleh nk angkat.. ade briefing. bz.. bz.. tak sabar nk dgr full stories.

was quite cold la hari ni. hujan la i guess. today a bit bz with month-end tp so far alhamdulillah. manage to do whateva outstanding. most prob blh close acc by this friday la. after work gi date ngan hubby jap. we all makan ayam tandoori. plus cheese naan. jgn jeles ar.. hehee... tetibe teringat nak makan tu plak. kenyang. pastu balik.. mandi skang ni tgh blogging. ingat nk blogging same hubby tp die kuar jap k jumpe member die. n please come home early coz we got a serious matter to discuss thoroughly tonite. i dh la cam sleepy ni. jap gi nak tido. haha..

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