Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

1st day of work

hari ni setelah berehat selama 2 hari, i'm back to work. pagi nk gi keje jam giler.. ntah pasal ntah. tapi i layan je. malas nk pk if not mood i dh ruined. dgr lagu.. nyanyi nyanyi. dlm 845 baru smp. everybody at ofis also wonder kenape i tak datang. wat's wrong with me? i said sakit perut la. eat too much. haha. tapi in the morning i cam rasa a bit boring sbb dh 4 days lepak at home. so a bit malas la. juz update myself on certain issues of the company n surroundings. then, wat i know is time to makan. i amik lauk ayam masak kicap je plus nasi letak kuah sup. our topic during lunch is bout kak zurina's wedding, plus the HOT HOT TOPIC that is POLITICAL. gave bits of my opinions la tapi as usual. benda ni secreto. so malas nk post lebih2. kang tak pasal2 je.

balik keje ard 6.30pm. gi jumpa hubby kat subang jap. then, we makan at this warongjunction. the nasi i took not bad la. tapi as usual kena limit ape yg i makan sbb perut baru nak okay. on the way balik, hujan la sket2. tapi smp shah alam ok la, macam baru nak start hujan. ni baru mandi. terasa sgt sgt FRESH !! cam peel fresh. aha.. well, tonite nk sleep early la. chiow!

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