Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, March 16, 2008


well, i've added few things to my page. but it does not turn out to be exactly wat i want. but for the fist try, i think i succeed. yahoo!! tapi yg raindrops tu tak jadi la. dunno how to do so. it juz came out half way. any ideas..? anyone? hmm.. that marquee thingy, sort of jadi la tapi it shows at the bottom. i tot of showing it at the top but i kept finding it -ERROR- but thanx to bob la for sharing with me the webpage. haha. dh told hubby bout it. tapi tak tau la. maybe he got some other ideas yg lagi relevant and lagi gempak. haha.. nnt nak share ngan die la. yang, tolong comment eh? hmm.. tgh pk ni ape lagi i nak add ar? i tgh browse lagi ni. if ade benda yg syok. i will add that to my page. check it out k.

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