Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, March 30, 2008

little sunday

i'm at home. dun really have the mood to eat or drink. but i ate nase goreng this morning. maybe roti la later juz to lapik my perut for not getting gastric. last nite i slept bout 1am after got home from kak yan's house. along is going to langkawi today. dunno for how long la. wished she n family got a very nice holiday. i woke up roughly ard 5.30am. then i called him. he haven't sleep. he juz got home from sending her back to her house. they spend some time together. i managed to talked to him on the phone til like 7am b4 he went to sleep. oh God! i'm feeling the pain here. it's really pain here in my chest. i can't describe it. i cried again. i can't take it. i'm sad n sad. i talked to him n we shared a few stories. i wanted him back. n will change my attitude for him. everything i mean it this time. guess so this time God really wanna show me something that i don't realised in my life. how small am i to be compared to GOD. i'm thankful to God for still giving me the air to breath, food n drink n place to survive. how i take things for granted. i love u so much sayang. please forgive me n accept me back. for our relationship. last time trying for our relationship. i wanna prove to u that i can change. the way i think, the way i communicate, the way i handle problems, the way i appreciate things n the way see things in future. plus not forgetting improving the family's quality that i yet to be missing in me. guess too much pressure keep me to all of this. n for not praying led me to all of this. Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku aku berdosa kepadamu. Ampunilah dosaku. kepada Muhamad Faiz Marican bin Mubarak, i'm guilty. as well and i regretted for doing all that to u. i love u so much. please forgive me and accept me back. i will change n u can count on my words this time. pls yang. i'm begging me. will try my best to not let the things keep hunting u. please sayang.. reconsider bout it. i love u very much. please..please...

kuasa tuhan maha adil. apa yang anda lakukan sekarang mungkin anda akan dapat balasannye di dunia atau mungkin di akhirat. tapi untukku ia sudah terbukti di dunia betapa kuasa tuhan itu sangat besar. Tuhan yang maha agung, maha segala-galanya. aku berasa sgt bersalah dan ingin menukar caraku dan ingin kembali bersame dirinya. Ya Allah aku memohon padamu, kau lembutkan lah hati Muhamad Faiz Marican Mubarak supaya dia dapat memberi peluang kepada ku sekali lagi dan menerima ku kembali. semoga hatinya terbuka dan hatinya lembut dalam memikirkan ini. aku amat menyayangi dirinya. Ya Allah aku memohon kepadamu. aku berdoa kepadamu, ampunilah dosaku. terimalah diriku ini. lembut kanlah hati Muhamad Fazia Marican supaya menerima aku kembali. aku amat berharap dan aku akan mengubah segala perbuatan ku supaya aku dapat meneruskan kembali cinta kami ini. kepada fana; i'm really sorry. tak pasal2, u are being dragged in this situation as well caused by me. i'm really sori. aku berpegang pada janji dan aku akan buktikan yang aku akan berpegang pada janjiku. this is for real n u can count on my words. YANG... I LOVE U SO MUCH! DO ACCEPT ME BACK... FOR OUR RELATIONSHIP. PLS GIVE IT A TRY FOR THE LAST TIME. I LOVE U SO MUCH.. I WILL DO EVERYTHING N ANYTHING TO GAIN UR TRUST BACK. PLEASE DO HAVE SOME TRUST IN ME. LOVE U ALWIZ. TIL END OF MY LIFE. PLEASE FORGIVE ME. I'M SINCERE.

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