Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, December 31, 2010

last day of year 2010

the last day of the year is finally here. from the beginning of the year til now. 12 months of 2010 full of colors for me. n the most amazing story of the year is the born of my beloved dearest son 'Muhamad Zafran Marican' aka chitom. cant imagine life without him now. he is my world, my sunshine, my brightness, my busyuk sbb whenever i'm down i tgk die i ckp ngan die n eventho die tak paham i rs sgt release and happy. love u so much chitom! semoga panjang umur n murah rezeki.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

hantu mak limah

the other day me and husband went for a movie called hantu mak limah. mm ade part a bit scary and ade part bongok habis. hahaha.. tapi last tu bukan hantu. mak limah tu escaped from hospital bahagia. n die lari stay kat umah die.tapi disebabkan die tak terurus so orang ingat hantu.bomoh yang lawak2 pun diorang panggil. hisshh..hisshh...apara...

Monday, December 27, 2010

zafran's pnemococcal

mummy worried. chitom dh sleep. his hands were pretty warm. we gave him his ubat demam already.hopefully n insya-Allah by tomoro die akan reda. mudah-mudahan. Amin. mummy bukan boleh. tadi pun dh ternanis kejap. mummy risau. tapi ye la.. sape yg tak risau anak tak sihat. tapi mummy cepat2 pujuk diri mummy and at the same time he is looking at my face. tangan pegang2 pipi i. so lagi la tersebak sket. then mummy ckp kat die. u r going to be alrite. mummy ade kat sebelah. baby nak besar kan so kena la amik injection semua. this is part of growing. love him so much! baby yg dulu dalam tummy i. hehehe..

an event b4 a&w


Saturday, December 18, 2010

* mummy * daddy *

hati saya berbunga2... sbb chitom ade mentioned these 2 words.

to be continued..

nktido. nite.


more pics to update..

see chitom so cute..

geram mummy..

nk gigit pipi die..

looks like his dad..

love him to the max..

abah's bday 2010

yoohoo!happybirthday to abah. remembered that i i wished him very early on 1st dec. that time he was at golfing. well.. semoga panjang umur, sihat n murah rezeki. so on that week's sunday every person will cook a dish for everyone. n my task is to cook ikan gegerot tiga rasa. well quite a big challenge for me. n i am so happy coz abah suke sgt. siap nyanyi happy birthday then potong ikan. hehehe.. pastu makan la dgn semua family members including the smallest addition. chitom mummy! well here are some of the photos of the food. yummy yummy kan. geram saye.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

zafran dh bangun..

wakey! wakey!

mummy's hero dh bgn.


love u!

good morning!

hey..how's life. i'm fine here. juz ade time rs lenguh2 kat neck. maybe salah bantal. it is saturday today. meaning mummy cuti. tapi mummy bangun awal. pump susu. hhmm.. risau plak. susu tinggal bout 5 packets je lagi. so weekend ni mummy nak pump extra bout 2 to 3 so ade la spare. hhmm.. time flies so fast. now dah december 2010. we got like 26 more days to new year. i again will be leavin 2010 with thousand of stories which involves happy, sad, anger n love. talking bout love.. i now rasa sgt sgt sgt sgt sgt (infinity) rindu kat husband i. tapi everytime when i kp i rindu die die cam reply sounds like cam tanak reply. i miss dgr die ckp i love u kat i. dulu i penah ckp kat die tapi die ckp kan..when we are together that means i love u la. hmm.. ok.. takpe.. mummy dah grown up. maybe i hve to fight this feelings n wat tak tau je. lagi best.

let's jump to d next topic. that is my sweetheart aka chitom mummy. he is now already 5 months old. alhamdulilah. moga panjang umur n murah rezeki. mummy wil always pray for u ok baby boy. that day bawak ie pegi inject third dose of 3 serangkai and hep b. after that badan die mybe like wan die ckp "bisa-bisa" guess so 3rd dose tu kuat sket. die merengek je. cian die. pastu yang i lagi risau rashes die quite bad ok kat area neck. pastu plus die garu2. rasa nak pakaikan je balik sarung tangan. talking bout tangan.. die ni suke sgt masuk tgn dlm mulut. even after menyusu cam lapar sgt. n talking bout lapar some orang ckp dh bole kasi die makan dh. hhmm.. biarla orang lain with their own opinion and say. wat i wil stick to is my baby tetap intro to solid food bile umur die 6 months. tapi kalo ikut date 28th dec. but i want it to be officially 1st jan 2011. so i can blog bout it later. i'm searching about lots of other baby's things over the internet. pasal2 lain tolak tepi eventho ade intention nak do online shopping for diri sendiri. hehehe.. baby is my priority. pastu ade extra vidot baru nak cari stuff for me. thought of getting new baju kurung and baju keja. n few dresses n kasut/sandals. hehe.. tapi takpela slowly ok.

Monday, November 22, 2010

pic of zafran

mummy supposed to go to sleep already

aiisshh dh pkul brape ni. blom nk tido lagi. sweetheart mummy dah tido. shortly i will join him sleeps on d bed. tgk chitom mummy tido. alahai ni anak aku ke. sayang die sgt. geram mummy tgk pipi labuh tu. mummy these few days ade cam rasa tak tentu arah sket. body cam tak best. kepala pening. perut sakit. salah makan kot. nk ngadu kat my mum tapi takpela.. nnt die plak risau anak die tak sehat. dgn cucu yg name zafran tu lagi. that day bwk zafran gi jumpe atok tokmak die. nampak diorang happy sgt bile jumpe zafran. kiss die, usik2, wat gelak. dukung. sayang sgt kat anak i tu. manja cm mummy die. i pun tumpang gembira when tgk diorang happy. sumtimes ade jgk rasa i miss my home. hhmm.. *smiling wif thousand meaning* wink wink..

daddy zafran dh tender his resignation at current company. he will be leaving in 2 weeks time. so lps ni.. i kena la travel sengsorang balik. pegi sorang balik sorang. pastu kalo nk lunch ngan husband, die dh jauh. i sedih tau. takpela.. husband ckp ala...time keje je. pastu balik umah, malam weekend sumer die ade. hmm.. okay.. mummy try pujuk hati mummy ni. zafran mummy ade. die kan sweetheart mummy, darling mummy, good fren mummy. love u chitom! mummy wil pray for ur health. moga panjang umur, murah rezeki dan sihat. amin..

okaylah..mummy nak sleep dah. time lagi half an hour 12 oclock. nite!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

new ticker

notice my new ticker.
cute eh.. cam anak mummy..
zafran zac effron.. chomel chitom!

many stories

yep.. that's true. i actually waiting for my turn to take shower. husband's niece is stil mandi2 so kena la tunggu. zac effron tido. ingat nak balik umah tok mak awal sket. tot of lunch kat sane. tapi takpela. dah condition cam tak suitable. juz go with the flow. so everything will be at peace. no war. semalam we bawak zafran jalan2 tgk laut. at first mmg la rasa risau. dh senja kat tepi laut. i dlm hati banyak doa. tapi ade satu benda tak best. tgh layan2 minum petang kitorang sudah kena attack ngan nyamuk. gatal gile kena gigit ngan itu itu nyamuk. geram gile. smp dok bersila atas chair. lucky anakku tak kena gigit. n ade benda yang wat mummy suspen. few waiter n waitress nak dukung zafran n ade yang kiss2 die. i ikut je belakang org tu. risau plak i kan. bukannye org tu i kenal pun. kang dipassing passing ke org lain dh lain jadinye. huhu...mintak2 dijauhkan. pastu last2 we stopped at bangi kopitiam. i makan nasi lemak. kepala plak kena serang pening. cam takleh handle. sbb lapar ke? ade jgk rasa nak muntah.. haa... dh risau sket2. tapi takde pape la. sampai umah cleaned up.zac effron pun dh tido. husband gi meeting la katanye. die tlg sapu minyak. thanx. then i tido. lama jgk nak hilang pening. around 2 bangun pun pening lgi. i makan roti n ovaltine. maybe perut masuk angin kot. makan lambat. haisshh...risau la bile perut masuk angin. chitom kan menyusu. btw talking bout breastfeeding.. i dh beli my own pump set. n i happy sgt sbb dh breastfeed kan chitom for nearly 5 months now.

* mummy miss chitom la* sumtimes rasa nak lepak ngan dia dua orang kengkadang tu susah nak dpt. takpela.. i sbar je la. insya-Allah d time wil come ok.

sumtimes things r better left unsaid. worried it might hurt any party. better wat taktau or else express kat blog coz not many people will read it. or if they read it they tk tau sape yg dimaksudkan. dh..mummy mula nak emo. boring... boring...

Sunday, November 7, 2010

zafran's cukur jambul & akikah

alhamdulillah dah setel kenduri yang ditunggu2 selama ini. pening kepala tau. bile la kenduri ni nak setel. bnyk benda nak setel. first of all kambing. then catering, then bunga telur + goodies. marhabban. kemas2 umah. n mcm2 lain. n at last setel jgk. as usual ade la ckp2 sane ckp2 sini n husband i pun ade mrh sket. sbb i pun ade ckp sumthing yg wat die kusut. hmm.. sorry. mummy bukan sengaja nak attack u nak bagi u marah. juz sometimes mummy stress ngan condition.

talking bout kenduri tu... starts after isya'. chitom pakai baju melayu hijau. i n daddy pakai baju nikah. n hehe.. i can still fit in my baju. huhu... then ltak chitom dlm katil die. firstly die ok. then bile marhabban dah start die dh mula cemas n rimas. huhu. syian die mummy tgk. die nangis campur ade time tu nak sepak2 dulang. i makan nasi beryani bnyk. kenyang la. hahha. chitom lps kenduri gembira btul. buka baju buka nappy. senyum happy. mesti die lega sgt. haha. we all pun tido lmbt. next day tu balas tido balik. biase la penat. n chitom pun sudah dibotakkan. dh takde rambut. huhu.. i ingat nk bela panjang tapi daddy die ckp ikut sunnah nabi. well.. takpela.. nnt tumbuh balik.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

happy birthday mummy!

holla! mummy dah 27 years old. hehe.. cam tak percaya umur sy dh bnyk. dh nak masuk 30 yearsdah. 1st of all thanx God and glad sbb umur panjang. tambah setahun lagi. n tis year lagi best sbb sy dh ade baby. baby zafran yang cute tu. geram sy tgk die. rasa nk gigit pipi yg gebu+tembam tu. nway semoga dipanjangkan umur, murah rezei dan sihat selalu. on the nite my mum-in-law cooked mee curry. then hubby curi2 kuar kata nk pass brg kat arid. tapi die ala so shweet pegi belikan cake for mummy. thanx a lot dear. pastu ramai2 nyanyi happy birthday for mummy. include my son. suke die ok org nyanyi happy birthday.. hehehe.. thanx. =)

Friday, October 22, 2010

~ letter from mummy ~

dear mummy..

how's life been treating u lately? i hope everything is doing great for u and family.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wednesday; already

ai ai capten..says spongebob. hmm.. dh hbs dh cuti mummy yang mandatory tu. tnggal few more hours je lagi. pasni mummy keja balik cam biase. tnggal la chitom kat umah tok mak/wan. mane2 pun tak kesa la. as long anak sy is in gud hands. well... this few days mummy happy sgt. dpt balik umah sendiri. tnggal ngan chitom. cooked for husband. spend some time wth my beloved small family. hihi.. =)

skang ni tgh sibuk sket ngan preparation for chitom's cukur jambul. kambing pun tak setel lagi ni. camne eh? hopefully will be confirmed by husband by this week. yg i nk cari is goodies n bunga telur. well.. bunga nye dh ade. white color. juz nnt nk cari fillings die. n maybe tak jd tempah cupcake/muffin. ckup la dgn ape yg ade kan. mummy excited la ni.

btw, mummy dh ckp mummy dh cut hair. to bob cut. dh kot dlm previous post. best lak.hehe.

oklah nak gi packing2. mlm ni nak balik dah.

till the next post.


Friday, October 15, 2010

chitom officially laugh

chitom dh officially laughed on 12 oct 2010. alo lo lo comelnye. nak mamam pipi gebu tu. husband saya main mcm ade monster nk gigit tummy die. bile die tgk geram then die die lagi excited then die gelak. chommeellnyee.... i rasa that day kan eh dah besar anak aku. ade rasa sebak. huhu.. apela mummy bukannye sedey tapi happy la. mummy kan cpt terasa. huhu.

my sweet little chitom

he is now going to be 4 months in few days time. meaning i dh 4 bulan menjadi mummy. sumtimes ade jgk terpk sepanjang i jadi mummy ni have i done a good job in taking care of my son. have i been a good mummy? ke ade yg kurang? tapi ape2 pun i will be sesangat happy bile i tgk muka chitom tgh sleep or smile. so sweet. shayang die sgt. shayang die sorang soooo much! n pls dont take him away from me. ni lah die buah hati mummy ni. penawar suka duka. =)
skrang ni i rasa i dh ade sense of like tak sakit sgt sbb sakit beranak lagi sakit. example.. that day tgn terkena hot iron. kalo b4 tis rasa nk nangis bile kena p bile that day juz like oucchh! gosok2 tangan trus smbng wat keje. hehe. dh ade scar. hmm..takpela..biase la tu kan mummy. hehe..comel. pastu stretch mark i kat perut dh kurang sket. everyday i sapu kat my tummy. i kno i will not get the same tummy like b4 i was preggie tapi takpe. hati saya happy. tu yang penting. haha... owh lupa. i've cut my hair short. bob cut. tgk muka i lain k. haha..chomel.kat ofis org call me'hello kitty' biarla.. suka hati diorang. i tak kaco so jgn kaco i. kalo kutuk2 blkang tu biase la kan. lumrah manusia. baik kutuk jahat lagi la kutuk. kengkadang tu malas nk join community yg mengutuk ni. BORING! baik aku gi shopping ke makan2 ke lagi best. haha..

i baru start balik farming setelah berbulan tak farming. best plak. lps ni nak main game ape plak ye? ari tu kat ofis main rogue vampire balik. best tau.

mummy nak sambung surf2 net. bnyk benda nak srvey. for my future and family.

anyway..latest pic of zafran. enjoy!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

blocked leave

i am on blocked leave now til next wek. wanted to take sumwhere in december tapi cam tak mengizinkan. takpela..nway ade plan nk pegi hols december nnt. venue to be confirmed later. btw, chitom ni taknak tido. dh bwk jln2 n dh try bagi susu taknak jgk. takpela.. nk tgk die. nnt sambung balik. chiow!

Friday, October 1, 2010

1st oct 2010


my husband's bday. yang ke 27 tahun.

semoga panjang umur & dimurahkan rezeki.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

last day of the 3rd qtr for year 2010

wow! wat a title for tis cute lil post. well..it's been quite sumtime since i last blog in my cute lil blog. i mean with a very or should i say pretty long words to type out. haha.. talking bout the topic guess ppl will know that it is 30th sep today. life goes on and on. n now my son is already 3 months old. hehe..~happy birthday to chitom~

to be continue

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

chitom can laugh

woohoo...it's true la. last nite chtom laughed. ade bunyi yg sgt lemak. i n husband were there to hear it for ourselves and we are so happy of wat our baby can do now. so cute. hehe.. rasa geram sgt bile dgr suara die. rasa so chommel. nyum2. budak comel ni. i blum upload gambar raya eh. wil do so asap la. chow!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

ku ingin jadi bidadarimu

every married woman i believe would like to be their husband's beloved wifey, lover, sweetheart, darling, partner, honey and more without having to share with others in this world or the life everafter. this include myself. but sometimes the reality is not as sweet as what we want it to be. but of course as a slave to God, we should be thankful of what we get and what we have. n not forgetting to ask for more in our prayers. insya-Allah, every human's doa will be heard by Allah.

recap from a magazine

" seorang isteri yang solehah kepada seorang suami akan kekal menjadi ratunya di syurga di samping bidadari "

end of today's post. give me thousand meanings. smiling away listening to songs to encounter all those jealousy in mind.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Salam Aidilfitri

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri.

Maaf Zahir Batin.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Purchasing online

yaay to me and husband. kitorang wat 1st online transaction successful. rasa happy sgt. i purchase storage bags and hubby bought chitom's bag. lps ni bole try lagi kan. hehe..

Monday, September 6, 2010

baby saya meragam

hhmm..baby saya hari ni banyak nangis. kasi nyek pun tak nak. hisap milk i rasa cam sket je.tapi i ade la express my milk for storage. i ade worried la. sumtimes wondering why die nangis. sakit perut ke, demam ke, sakit kat mane2 ke ie tangan, kaki or die kembung, or die ngantuk. tapi ape2 pun mummy doa baby saye sihat adanya, panjang umur and murah rezeki. mummy risau tau chitom bnyk nangis. mummy tak suka. tapi i tau tu semua lumrah kehidupan for a mother and practically parent.

skang die tgh tido. wishing for a better tomoro.

love baby zafran so much! nite sayang mummy!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

mummy's 1st day at work

yup..boring kena tinggal my precious chitom...

husband saya kluar ngan kawan2 die.. [kata die la]

saya dah nak tido..


Saturday, August 28, 2010

2 months old

Happy Birthday to my son!

Alhamdulillah dah 2 bulan dah busyuk mummy ni. semoga panjang umur and murah rezeki. semoga bahagia dan sihat hendaknya. Amin. love u dear!


I may not be smart
I may not be brilliant
I may not be pretty
I may not be wonderful
I may not have the same figure as before
I may not be fun
But for sure I am happy as Chitom dear is around

Thursday, August 26, 2010

i'm alone

well..no la.. sbb chitom ade. juz reading thru my previous posts. mmg bnyk time i tinggal sengsorang kan. sbb husband sy sibuk. takpela.. i paham.. tapi takpe baby ade teman mummy die. b4 this die dlm perut skang dh ade atas katil. hehe..

split identity

out of d blue nape itu menjadi topic ku. haha.. saje je.. some ppl may have different personalities depending on d situation. some memang originally mcm tu. ape2 pun biarkan mereka dan keluarga mereka. sbb mereka tak kaco saye. i am now blogging while watching news. bnyk btul news yang pelik2. hari tu time pantang almost 3 weeks tak tgk news. bnyk tido and berehat je sebelah baby. sayang baby saya sangat2. pasal chitom mummy suka.. tgk dia sorang can heal watever unhappiness inside my heart.

buka puasa @ mid valley

that was yesterday. today i makan kat umah je sengsorang. chitom tido. i cooked daging goreng. tapi makan awal. around 6.30 sbb i sudah lapar.

back to semlm nye cite. we went to mid valley to buka puasa. round2 semua tmpt full house booked. lastly buka kat delicious. chitom pun ikut. guna his stroller.we also bought his car seat. wow.. skrang dah ade complete set. so lps ni kalo mummy nak gi jalan2 dh bole la. thinking of going alone wif chitom maybe tunggu die besar sket. hehe.. semalam pun officially gune baby room. pastu ade ke patut i tanye staf mana baby room bole ckp sorry la sy lupa. sy staf baru. haha.. takde initiative. try la tnye colleague lain ke ape ke kan..

oklah..nk upload photo. bye!

Monday, August 23, 2010

ku bahagia

kini ku bahagia.. teng..teng..teng..was juz downloading few songs which keep on appearing in my head that makes me sing in my heart. feeling so happy and peaceful. i am glad and thankful first of all to Allah.. that i am now stil breathing. my baby is also doing fine. my husband is also fine and my family as well. i dh lama tak rasa camni.for this few days wow the feelings is so unexpressable.. but it shows on my face. guess so. haha.. =)

chitom has juz sleep. chommel sgt. juz a bit worried with his flame but ppl said mum's milk is the best cure. will try and insyaAlah feed chitom til at least 2 years old. love him so much. pagi petang siang malam tengok muka chitom makes mummy so happy. =)

okaylah.. nak wat coffee for my husband jap. nnt i sambung balik ye.

i'm back. make a cup of milk for myself as well. eh.eh..mummy dgr lagu raya yaay nak raya yaay yaay..eh eh..mummy plak yang excited lebey. hehe..

Friday, August 20, 2010

rhythm to chitom

lalala...lalala..suka la.. nyanyi nyanyi untuk chitom.. shayang chitom..lalala..lalala..

chitom can:

toleh kanan
toleh kiri
tengok atas
tengok bawah
burp~ kuat..hahaha
die suka dancing.. kalo i nyanyi lagu barney or shake it all about mesti die suke..
lagi satu kalo urut perut die die sgt geli.. comel.. perut die ade mole. hehe.geramnye saya kat anak saya. rasa nak kunyah2. sape suka wat mulut no 8.

aiissh.. i think i can juz talk n talk n talk bout chitom.. hmm.. suka wat mummy daydream.. =)

baby zafran


~baby zafran~

a week at my house

1st of all. lupe nk ckp i sudah hbs pantang 44 days tapi up til now i ade like 1 week b4 i'm back to work =( hmm.. mulut dh no 8. like chitom. well.. i kena think positive. i kena work nak cari duit nnt chitom nk makan ape. how?

btw, i'm now a week at my own house. at first dad doesnt allowed. tp pastu i buat tak tau je. so pastu lps. yela.. maybe they worried. tp insya-Allah boleh.. lagi satu cian hubby i penat travel kalo i stay shah alam or klang. takpe la. so officially start duty as a fulltime housewife on tuesday. i pun start mandi kan chitom. letak besen atas meja makan. sbb my leg takleh nak bersila lagi. so the best way is letak atas meja tapi i takle angkat berat2. i letak dulu besen kosong. then isi air dlm gayung curah la dlm besen. bile nk buang air same gak gayanye..hehe.. mula2 nervouse tp lama2 ok. alhamdulillah chitom tak bnyk grak. juz the first day die cam nangis sket. sejuk ke ape..tak tau tapi bile dh sudah mandi owhh baru tau. rupa2nye die ngantuk. bagi puting then trus siapkan cpt2. pastu bg susu trus tido. then as usual mummy akan follow die tido. ptg chitom tak mandi sbb sejuk kat sini. cam duk kat genting la. wonder wat's the temperature kan. tapi mlm daddy dia tuka kan baju tido. hhmm.. happy n bahagia sgt jiwaku. ehchewah! haha..

buka pose..i masak la yang simple2. not that hard. start masak roughly dlm kul 5.30pm. bile buka i kengkadang tu mengalahkan orang yang pose.haha.. tak sabar rasanye nak raya. hari ni dh hari yang ke-10 umat Islam berpuasa. tggl lagi 20 hari je. i tak pose.. jenuh la nk ganti nnt. tp takpe.. 4 chitom... mummy will sacrifice.

oklah..till then.. owh lagi satu kan.. hari ni kan kitorang berdua bangun ya rabbi lambat gile. pkul 12 tgh hari. hahaha.. melampau tapi ye la.. chitom tak brape sleep last nite.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

i cried

i cried...

thinking of my past..

thinking of my future..

thinking of my precious chitom..

got not much to say..

glad that i am stil breathing until now..

may God bless me and my family..

Sunday, August 15, 2010

chitom 1st outing

where to? quality hotel. berbuka puasa. eventho mummy tak puasa. haha.. chitom tido kejap je kat dlm stroller kakak piah. pastu lain2 mata die celik. tgk bnyk lampu lip..lap..lip..lap.. hehe.. so chommel anak aku ni. i makan stil berwaspada jgk. takut effect chitom. btw, really enjoy the session. thanx.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

happy ramadhan

selamat berpuasa! walaupun i tak berapa digalakkan berpuasa tapi saja nak wish. first year celebrating with chitom. hehe.. happynye saya. btw, hari ni saya dah officially habis pantang. alhamdulillah. bole la makan sket2 ape yg dulu tak leh. tapi bile jaga makan kan rasa perut kurang nak sakit. badan best. nway chitom pun bf nnt syian die kalo i makan ntah pape.. die pun kena jgk. another update weight i dh kurang ke 49kg. hmm..tp makan bole tahan. mum ckp sbb baby bf kot. tu la psl.
tadi i dh setel registration cuti sem. dad teman. pastu gi beli nappy chitom. hehe.. daddy die tak balik tonite. esok baru balik. my parent ade jgk tanye tapi ntahla.. he knows himself better. kalo larat balik. kalo tak tak payah. tapi skrang yang constraint sgt tu tau ape.. $$ yup that's it. btw, next week ingat nk try stay klg lame for about a week. tgk dulu. if ok maybe 2 weeks. hehe..juz want some privacy wif daddy and chitom.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

mixture of feelings

i'm on d bed.chitom is next to me.looking at him sleeps reminds me of his dad.i juz want to b wif chitom.if can i want him to b wif me wherever i go.i hate tis feelings.hopefully it wil leave soon.gosh i'm feeling hungry at d same time.i also felt sleepy.i also felt i need to express my milk coz i'm starting to feel a bit pain but to leave chitom alone.i also feel that i miss my love.see..all of that is mixture of feelings. *wishing 4 a better tomoro* mummy love chitom.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

our 1st anniversary


alhamdulillah. 1st of all, i am very glad that we have been married for 1 yea. may more valuable years to come. now with chitom around bertambah bz la life saya. ehehehe.. now i am expressing my breast. tadi dh one side, skang one side lagi. nk dekat 8 oz. tp btul la kalo wat donno or i mean while surfing or reading lagi bnyk milk kuar. now expressing for storage. chitom still fully breastfeed with me. i am supporting those mommies who r breastfeeding their babies sbb susu ibu sgt berkhasiat. insya-Allah plan to bf chitom til 2 years. so i kena la be positive. ehehe.. bile stay kt umah sdiri chitom minum my milk from bottle kalo i'm at home i bf la chitom mummy yg chommel tu. pipi gebu. ala..la..la..tomei..tomei..geram nak gigit pipi die yg labuh tu. manja sgt.

yesterday, went for a movie with husband. adoi..dlm pantang tu lagi tapi dh 40 days. ahaha..tgk cite salt. tp take precautious steps jgk la. pkai socks. makan dulu. bawak cardigan. standby takut sejuk. pastu halfway teringat chitom. pastu gi minum jap teman hubby haa.. bantai nangis lak ingat chito. aii.. kalo dh keje camne ni? ingat chitom.. hahaha.. comel la mummy ni.

klah nnt i sambung..nk bfast. adios!

Monday, August 2, 2010


....................haishh.................camne ek?......................................................................................................
chitom..help mummy...

al-fatihah to my clasmate

my ex-clasmate passed away due to accident. OU. that's wat we called him back days at college. dulu time nk balik msia from dublin together la ngan die skali. masa tu i sorang girl. kemain jaga lagi. ye la kat tmpt orang. takut ape2 jd. tak sangka ok. pagi tadi hajar called ckp die meninggal. eh biar betul. ingat sakit ke. tapi accident. salam takziah to his family. i tanye mus then mus tekejut trus nangis. mus ckp baru ingt nak jupe die. hmm.. dh ajal sumone tu. kite takleh nak ckp ape kan. ape2 pun semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat. amin.


kita skrang dh di bulan lapan or august or ogos or agusto.. tggl lagi 4 bulan je b4 new year. pejam celik bangun tido makan minum mandi jalan2 bengang menyampah benci tak suke then dh smp la hari ni. today i sudah berpantang lebih kurang 35 days. i ade lebih kurang 30 days lagi b4 naik keje. hhmm.. mcm mane nk cope nnt is another thing to think. risau psl chitom. takpela.. selagi blum hbs cuti let me enjoy sepuas2 hati time cuti. balun la tido ckup2. tp asik tido je lenguh tau bontot. kalo ckp ngan chitom totot. haha..

last saturday chitom kena pegi injet for 1st month jab. hhm.. syian die nangis smp kejat. mesti sakit sgt. darah pun kuar sket. tgk rs nk nangis. pastu die that day meragam. tido nk kat pangku. tapi lucky bagi susu die nk minum. kembong pun ade sket. aishh mcm eja ikan kembong plak. i risau parents lak kat jakarta. tau la parent in law ade tp i stil nk my mum. masa ckp fon ngan my mum rasa nak nangis sgt smp suara dh shaky. tp i manage to control tak nak die kat sane worried. i kena bnyk sabar, bnyk doa so baby i sihat. i check his temperature worried kalo die demam tp alhamdulillah takde. smp next day die okay sket. dh berak bnyk. bole main sket2. dh senyum & ketawa blk. syg chitom so much.

semalam i gi shopping ngan husband. die belanja baju i n chitom. i rasa guilty tau sbb die gune duit die to spend. i kno it is limited. i tak mintak pun as long ckup untuk die lepaskan diri sendiri pun dh enuf. i was thinking tomoro to ask him to stay at klg lame. i worried his health. i'm fine. i bukannye kat umah org lain. kat umah mak mertua kan. umah mak die. umah my mum pun dekat aje. anytime parent bole dtg tgk i ngan chitom. biarla.. i dgn feelings i.

mlm tadi i ade tanye kat die sumthing tapi die ckp i mengarut. siang tadi i tanye tp.. biarla feelings i. juz another feelings yg i rasa takde pape. haiisshh..

nway back to chitom die hari ni tido sekejap2 je. apsal ar? dh hisap susu dh ganti pampers. ke kene bungkus balik. tp cian die. skang tgh panas kalo bungkus rimas plak die. die nk main. lucky ade mum in law. bole tlg tgkkan. ni pun i curi2 time nk blog.

skang ni husband i ade pasang his songs collections. hmm.. which some of the songs i like. n knowing him sume lagu yang die download tu mesti ade kena mengena ngan life die. that's how he expressed his feelings. i tau besides that die mesti la suka kat lagu/lyric/singer tu itself.

okaylah. nk tgk chitom jap. cayang chitom pipi gebu so much!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

breasts pump

i'm currently using avent manual pump. thought of getting an electric one. based on recommendation by few frens, they said medela is the best of all. dh survey tmpt and pricing. nnt nk dkt naik keje nk beli la. tapi single pumping je la. price dlm rm460. mmg that' d market price. nnt i update lagi ye. nk gi toilet jap. chiow!

30 days of baby zafran

today alhamdulillah baby i dh 30 hari. meaning die dh sebulan. kejap je time flies. and kengkadang bile terpk i ade rs sad sbb time cuti dh nak habes. meaning i have to be separated from my lil precious one ~zafran aka chitom~ ohh..lupe nk ckp. baby pun ade name lain. chitom. mane chitom mummy! i nyanyi kat die fe times the same tone. everyday. pastu bile die tgk muke mummy die alaa..la..la.. rasa nk nangis sebak n terharu. my mind takde pk benda lain. chitom..chitom..chitom..chitom..sayang die sangat. praying that he'll become a success person one day. seiring ngan name die. zafran ~meaning : kejayaan~ love him the most. kalo bole nk duduk tepi die tgk die tido. maen ngan die. kiss die. kapuk die. doing nothing. juz watching him buat hati i sangat gembira. makan lambat pun takpe. tapi bile pk balik. die dh la breastfeed so i takleh let my tummy masuk angin. nnt die kembung. cian baby i. kno wat. that day kuar gi beli barang die dlm 1 hour pastu hati dh mula rasa rindu kat chitom. thanx to current technology. bole snap gambar gune hp pastu bole tgk balek. hhmm.. takleh nak jauh ngan die. ngan hubby i bole tapi not baby. ooppss.. kalo hubby baca nnt die merajuk. takdela.. 2 due pun i nak dekat di hati dan dekat di mata. =)

last friday i kene bengkak susu balek. milk taknak kuar. sakit tau. last my mum in law sapu daun pucuk ubi then towards ptg alhamdulillah milk dh kuar balik. i pump sket. to ladies out there, it is dangerous tau kalo kene bengkak susu ni. bole demam di buatnye. weekend tu my sis in law bwk electric pump. i pun start la gune. much more convenient. juz now i kene wat timetable when to pump my breasts. ape i buat skang, i pump to keep stock time i keje then bile chitom nk milk i breast feed die. tapi alhamdulillah die bole jgk hisap susu from bottle. kene train kalo tak nnt nk gi keje die tak nak minum.

haa..another stori mori to share. that day was trying to change chitom to his baju tido. then tgh tuka die nangis smp takde suara kuar. i dh mula panic. ade rasa nk nangis dh i ni. pas2 mum in law ckp kalo baby nangis kite jgn panic. nnt die bole feel yg kite tgh panic. hmm.. ade logic. so i kene la belajar tenang-tenangkan diri. hehehe... teringat ckp mus.. "aku rasa nnt kalo ko ade anak, bile anak ko nangis ko pun nangis same" hahaha.. almost true mus. nnt aku call ko. nak update cite aku kat ko. hehehe.. funny.. takpe.. tu sume experience very valuable which i cant get anywhere.

skang..i nk cari brg baby sket2 online. yg kendong tu pun nak satu. haa.. tgk chitom menggeliat alahai.. tomeinye.. pipi dh la macam donut. poksu die ckp mcm pau. geram. rasa nk gigit. tu pun dh kene mamam ngan i. haha.. pipi..dagu. cayang die sgt. love him the most. *muuaahh*

to baby zafran aka chitom --> mummy will alwiz pray for ur healthiness and successfullness. semoga dipanjangkan umur dan murah rezeki. Aminn.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

delivery of baby zafran

alhamdulillah tanggal 28th june 2010, saye telah selamat melahirkan seorang bayi lelaki comel seberat 3.4kg pada pukul 11.30 pagi. bayi itu telah diberi nama Muhamad Zafran Marican bin Muhamad Faiz Marican. pada mulanye pagi itu saye ingatkan baru nk kemas2 beg nak bawak gi hospital tp time husband tgh mandi my water bag broke. banyaknye cam orang shi2. husband suruh jgn panik. pack2 ape brg yg patut then trus gi hospital. tapi sempat breakfast dulu. makan roti, minum milo, makan nasi goreng baru masuk ward. tapi by 10 am like that takde rasa contraction ape, then doctor ckp baby dh e'ek. so kena la go for ceasarian. i was like sad in the first place. tp husband ckp yg penting both selamat. hmm.. bile pk2 okaylah. think positive so within 30 minutes dh ready to OT then experience tu tuhan je yang tau. walaupun ceasar, ade jgk terasa ngilu and sakit perut kene tekan. tapi alhamdulillah semuanye goes on well. lps baby kuar i punye la lapar. tp doc ckp dlm 2 jam br leh mkn. pas2 mum-in-law dtg bwk bubur. so my first meal is bubur n ikan bilis. pastu kenyang. minum milo. i was on bius so tak terasa sakit sgt. smp la next day. time nk shi2. haduih..nk bangun tu punye la sakit. mmg kene depend on nurse and hubby time tu coz takde daya langsung nk bgn sendiri. thanx to my hubby sebab menjaga saye dgn prihatin. love u so much! i duk kt hospital for 2 nites. sbb tak rasa confident ngan diri sendiri lagi. bile dh balik umah... bermula la episod berpantangku. d first 3 weeks kat umah mum and now i kat umah mertua. gilir2. bagi dua2 nenek rest kejap. well, got more to update sbb bnyk benda nk share lagi.

to everyone..thnx for the wishes.
to husband..thnx again. cant do it without ur support & love.
to both mums..thnx for caring me & baby dlm pantang.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


welll... more stories to be update soon. sbb jeng2 jeng2 jeng2. hehe..

1st of all alhamdulillah syukur

til the next post

selamat sore!

wait nk tambah today 07.07 --> husband's fav no..

Monday, June 28, 2010

starting to be on leave

i will be on mc leave b4 taking my maternity leave. well, i got not much time since laptop's available time is like 10 minutes left. i got so many things to sharebut i think lemme write tomoro coz i think i better go to bed now. gud nite everyone.

to baby --> mummy loves u so much..

to daddy --> can i juz b quite?

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


unmanaged to post a continuation entry yesternite but nvm wil try to find time to do so. a gud fren of mine shared a cute but yet true quote wher she found it on twitter. haha..

"u can always get the trust of a man but not his loyalty"
not being discrimination but juz sumthing to share. hmm.. i am now married. and sumtimes the more i am trying to know more of a man the more i don't understand. but maybe man too have their doubts and difficulties understanding woman. but neither do it is juz a sort of expressing. is it true? for u 2 find out n for me to know. haha..well, wat i can do now the best is juz care of myself n the baby in my tummy. and as part of last nite's talk show on halaqah [which touches my soul] u'll feel great actually if you do most of the things in ur daily life is because of Him. GOD. Tuhan. that's where the satisfaction feelings will come. experience it urself because own experience is better than listening or reading or trying to go thru someone's elses journals. enuff said i'm going for a lunch now. nasi ayam is in my head. well can't resist this shop's nasi ayam because of it taste. n i like it. btw, had nasi ayam also on last sunday where my mom-in-law cooked for father's day. till the next post. adios!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

38 going 39

phew! wat is that? well, my pregnancy weeks calculation la. from as early as 9 weeks and now i'm going to be 39 weeks by end of this week. eh.. sekejap masa berlalu kan. meaning dh 9 months saya membawa baby saya dlm tummy..

mummy n her tummy walking with daddy eating sumthing yummy.. *wow* so rhythm.. hehehe

i nak recap je wat ever i went thru through out my pregnancy. tapi rasanye skang tak sempat sbb i kat ofis. think so at home wil do. tis blog bile baby dh besar die pun bole baca. tapi mummy segan la kalo org lain baca. rasanye ni for personal use n suke2 je.

oklah nak lunch dh.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

i'm a lil bit ok today

yep.. the blues is stil there but nvm. guess so it will be fading away sooner or later. well already bought my bfast. will start eating soon. juz thought of blogging for a while coz i feel like it.

baby n mummy ok.

oklah nak start work. chiow!

Monday, June 14, 2010

feeling blues

not coz it is on monday but i felt that for a few days. i was juz trying to ignore it. urrgghh.. hate it. and sumtimes i do even think that my husband pun tak paham. biarlah i sorang2 je. not saying that i nak layan the feelings tapi nak wat tak tau je. tak nak cakap kat sape2. when i read through pregnancy blogs and books they said mmg ade time towards end of pregnancy mothers will have blues. haiish.. takpela baby. mummy je paham kan. tgk tu baby tgh communicate with me. die gerak2 timbul2 suke sgt. tak sabar rasanye die nk kuar dh kan. pray for mummy's and baby's health ok. love my baby so much!

Sunday, June 13, 2010


weekend is here. at home blogging. waiting for turn to mandi [again] sbb dh rimas and panas. hmm... i am now 37 weeks pregnant. i got like few more weeks to go. well a lil bit nervous. and pray that everything will go smoothly and selamat. skrng juz cpt penat sket compared to hari tu. worried sket2 tu ade la.

yesterday had a makan2 for families at in-law's house. among the dishes are mee kari, nasi lemak, soto, karipap, fruits, jelly and air sirap sejuk. i was so kenyang. so for dinner tak makn ape2 pun. juz bout 11pm tu minum ovaltine cicah roti 3 keping. enuff. kenyang untuk i sambung tido balik. hehe... today bangun tido lambat plak. bfast pukul 1130. makan nasi impit and kuah kacang. mcm hari raya plak. actually pagi tadi ade teragak nak makan tu. tgh mandi bole terpk plak. tgh mandi busyuk call ckp ade nasi impit n kuah kacang. huiisshh ape lagi syokla.. bole mkn. senyum saya masa dlm bilik mandi tadi.

jobs at ofis. mmg tak habis. tapi i wil try to finish whatever yang pending so nnt i balik tak bnyk sgt nk kena follow up. talking bout maternity leave, kelantan already started to cuti for 3 months meaning 90 days. so now the ministry is proposing this to the cabinet to imposed on other states as well. hhmm.. 3 bulan tu ok ape. i pn agree. at least baby pun dh besar sket kan. ala..la.. la.. busyuk mummy ni.

oklah saya nak mandi. til then. chiow!

Thursday, June 10, 2010


i'm testing to post in ofis. i tot the other rest of the months cannot tp today can. nvm, i wil try n see later at home whether it can be publish or not. btw, i'm having lunch now.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

i missed him~

i missed d way he looked at me,
i missed d way he stared at me,
i missed d way he sensed d smell of me,
i missed d way he kissed my lips,
i missed d way he kissed my cheeks,
i missed d way he kissed my hands,
i missed d way he kissed my fingers,
i missed d way he kissed my shoulder,
i missed d way he kissed my neck,
i missed d way he called me wit sweet names,
i missed d way he hugged me,
i missed d way he says i love u,
i missed d way he says i miss u,
i missed d way he says i want u,
i missed d way he pamper me when i'm in pain,
i missed d way he laughed at me,
i missed d way he smiling 'manja' at me,
i missed d way he held me in his arms.
1 thing for sure is i miss everything bout him.
but i dunno y now he seems to be occupied by sumthing else.
sumtimes when d bad thoughts came in,
i have to fight the unnecessary but sumtimes i cant help it..
sumtimes i juz felt that he holds so many secrets which he preferred to share with sumone else.
to make my mind and heart at ease, maybe he is too bz and occupied wif work and i do believe sumthing happened for a reason.
my lil precious one is almost here. i am so happy, glad and thankful with the unspeakable joy.
n i love u so much without reason.

beginning of a new month

well.. was browsing thru my blog and yes i did not update anything in my blog in the month of may.. hmm.. how could that happened? even for a post. lemme recap. guess so i tired n a bit lazy plus hubby got lots of work to do thati cant use the laptop. btw takpe. today i nak upload beberapa gambar that i wil share with u guys. syok tau. hehe..nway lemme juz update today's story. i am at mum's house. my husband went to a wedding with his family kat kuala selangor. ingat nak ikut. jalan2 tapi not advisable. mm..how? kenala tinggal *sob*sob* takpela.. nnt baby dh kuar mummy nak gi jalan2 bwk baby. daddy tggl ok. hahaha.

today dh 6th june. my edd is on 3rd july. juz few days to go. i am nervous now. and also always pray to God that everything will goes on well, selamat. Aminn~i am planning to take leave starting on 28th june. which means like 3 more weeks for me to work so i must setel those urgent outstanding b4 i go on leave. and i believe my team can play their part really gud and close the accounts correctly. no worries bout that coz i'm sure they are more experienced than myself. wat is more important to me nowis my delivery. insya-Allah. dan mudah-mudahan baby sihat, membesar menjadi sumone yg berguna for country, religion, and ethnic. as well as be a gud kid for mummy daddy. nnt teman mummy ok sbb daddy sibuk. menjadi anak yg soleh and bole membimbing family die nnt. wat ever it is mummy loves u very much. more than anything. mummy wil alwiz be there when u need me. and mummy wil try my best to be a gud mummy to u.

Friday, April 30, 2010


its end of the month

dont want to talk about work coz month end will be very bz for me. but this time around i am soooo nervous. know y? coz dh nk masuk bulan 5. meaning tinggal brape weeks je b4 i deliver my sweetheart baby in my tummy ni. semoga semuanye selamat. aminn..

i tgh baca buku lagi. barang ade sket lagi kene beli tapi tak tau bile nk beli. my husband is alwiz bz with his work work work. bukannye i merungut. sometimes i rasa cam ala... asyik sibuk je. mcm takde time untuk i. pastu nnt i kene tggl sengsorang. takde org nk borak kat umah. pastu kalo die bz die pun cam tk nk cakap ngan i sgt. sooo.. the best thing is i takyah la kaco die. baik i baca buku ke ape ke. do my own thing.bile lapar makan, bile ngantuk tido.

sometimes i dont understand man. n i also know that man also sometimes dont understand woman. diorang ckp diorang paham tapi sebenarnye tak paham. sometimes things are better left unsaid. juz for your own view. hhmm.. ape ni sometimes, sometimes, sometimes..hehe..

oklah.. i nk mandi ni..or shud i masak dulu. think so masak dulu la. til we meet again in the next post. wait.. nnt i upload gambar i preggie. hehe.. tak sangka.. nmpk dh tummy i dh besar. hehe..

wan munira

my newborn niece.. about 67 days has peacefully passed away on tuesday 27/4/10. i was so sad when my sis said that in the phone. i was at the ofis at that time n i can't help myself but to cry. been trying to call my husband tapi die tak angkat. time tu dh mcm2 i pk. mcm die mmg sengaja tak nak angkat my call. pastu lps i msg bole plak call balik. padahal bunyi fon ringing lagi kuat dari bunyi msg. pape la. malas nk pk. sumtimes tu kalo hhhmmm..hmmm.... dh malas nak membebel di petang jumaat ni. better i story bout other things. then we went to sis house. i sedekahkan yassin, ayat kursi n fatihah kat munira. semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat. rest peacefully there. nnt tolong mummy ye. =( next day i was on EL. jenazah nk dimandikan n dikapankan. mmg sebak la time tu. tapi dad tak allowed me to go to kubur. so i just rest kat my sis house with another sis. mum pun tak pegi. takpela.. i doakan semoga semuanye berjalan dgn lancar.

* to my sis: told her to banyak2 bersabar. bnyk2 berdoa. setiap kejadian yang berlaku mesti ade hikmahnye.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

saturday at home

yesternite i was sooo damn sleepy. time maghrib takleh nak handle. lepas je maghrib ape lagi tertido kat depan tv smp hubby blk almost 9pm. pastu i sambung tido balik dlm bilik til 10pm sebab uncle ayed dtg umah. ade keje nk wat ngan hubby. i terjaga, bangun mandi then makan. tu pun tak habis. tapi time makan tu ngantuk lagi smp makan pun ala kadar je sebab nk lapik perut. nnt syian baby saye. lps mkn minum yg secukupnye then saye pun tido la balik smp almost 2am shi-shi then tido balik smp kul 9 this morning.

pagi ni bfast wat jemput2 ikan bilis. i happy sgt sbb jemput2 i dh split. sblm ni wat die tak nak split. maybe salah step kot. pastu bfast sesame. for lunch i cooked kari ikan n ikan goreng. hehe.. my sis bagi recipe die. nijap lagi nk wat agar2 sirap santan plak. hehe.. syok plak. masak memasak ni.

hhmm..lagi i wat pe? kemas umah sket2. tuka cadar, basuh baju, lipat baju..n oh yes i dh start tampal parking claim. next week bole submit. yoohoo..

Saturday, April 17, 2010

bole tak nak tulis tapi takde topic.
no purpose..
haha.. okaylah. nak baring dh. i sudey lenguh ni. chiow!

wait...an old pic.. hahaha...

yang b4 u upload i cilok dulu. hehehe.. jgn marah ye..hehehe...

daddy's angry

oopss... sebab mummy belum mandi and dh pukul 845pm. so mummy kene stop jap mandi, pray and then dinner. i mkn yong tau foo.. mak ru wat. at first i ingat yong tau foo yg kuah kicap tu tapi ni sup..mmm... ape lagi.. sedap la.. mmg kene dgn tekak yang batuk2 sket ni. hehe...

this morning i went for the next check up. skang dh kene check 2 minggu sekali sebab baby dh masuk 7 months. fusshh.cepatnye masa berlalu. tup tup dh 7 bulan. tinggal roughly 2 bulan lagi or about 10 weeks lagi. i ade la nervous nervous ni tapi i selalu doa kat Tuhan and insya-Allah mudah-mudahan semuanye selamat. Amin. nway masa check tadi, berat i turun 1 kg. maybe sebab i batuk kan. BP okay. juz i kene tambah kan darah coz i a bit pucat. so doctor ade prescrbe i ubat zat besi tapi die ckp kene minum bnyk air, makan bnyk buah so tak kene sembelit la. macam susah nk buang air besar. tapi hubby ckp takpe kite kurangkan makan pil. we will go for natural source like hati, kerang, daging merah, sayur hijau and insya-Allah die will get back to normal. doctor tadi nk scan muka baby. tapi bile dh dpt doctor then nk snap tak dpt, blur. hehe.. hubby gelak je kat perangai baby yg cute tu. n doctor ckp baby i ni active la. hehe.. kecik2 chonet. chommell cam daddy n mummy die. shayang baby mummy ni. hari ni tak nyanyi lagi kat die. i bercakap je sebab sket2 nk batuk. tapi takpe nnt mummy will sing for you okay darling. lain2 baby semua normal. alhamdulillah. kalo ikut kira period my due date wil be on 3rd july tapi doctor suruh standby since 22 june. 2 weeks early. maybe nnt dh towards end of may i akan decide bile nk cuti ok. yg tu kene discus ngan hubby lagi. n guess so my boss is okay. so far alhamdulillah he understands my situation la.

ari ni pun besday mum-in-law. tadi after check up we gi beli cake. pastu mak masak nasi ayam. hubby's eldest sis teragak nak makan. n btw she is also pregnant. congrats to her for her 2nd pregnancy. so tadi lepas semayang lunch sesame then potong cake. i kenyang sgt ok. makan sampai tambah 3 kali nasi. uishh...uissh...sampai u bole imagine tak i takleh nk duduk. mengah. kena jalan. so dh jalan2 takleh la nk tido. i pun tgk la tv smp ard 5 pastu i pun tetido depan tv. tapi tak sure sape tutup tv. alamak cam segan la plak. hehehe..mesti my father-in-law. hehe.. =) around 6pm hubby kejut.. cuci muka, then tgk syafiq nk naikkan wau. tak ade sangat angin so die naik tak tinggi sangat. tapi macam syok plak. i ni cam tak penah tgk orang main layang2 or wau. tapi mmg betul la. tgk pun dlm tv. tak penah ade experience cam tadi. syok =)

oklah.. i nak main farmville.. talk to you in the next post. til then adios and gud nite!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


batuk dan selsema semakin sembuh. hari ni i dh start work. but stil on medication. still being precautious of wat to eat and wat not. well.. i must alwiz be precautious kan. takleh amik any food sesuka hati. well hari ni dinner kat luar makan sea food. kerang bakar, sup seafood and sayur plus nasi kosong. air suam je minum. kenyang. alhamdulillah. tadi baru byr maxis. ni nk browse 2 web dresses lak. okaylah.. till then.. adios!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

i'm on EL

yerp.. today the second day of the week. i'm taking EL. hopefully today i dpt recover much more and tomoro can start work again. i dont want my hubby n baby feel worried bout me coz i am not feeling well. skang yg tggl batuk sket2 and flu sket la. n i skang cannot really smell or taste coz my flu. at times je la. antibiotic kene habiskan. hubby pun tak brape sihat. die kene sengal2 kat butt smp kaki. syian die. hopefully he is getting better soon too. love him so much.
btw, umah we all ade tambah satu deco baru. fishy. nnt i snap pic and upload. semalam i ckp kat baby look baby ade fishy. mesti baby pun suke kan tgk fishy swim sane swim sini. hehe.. oklah.. i nk bfast pastu nk makan ubat flu. baca buku sket nak rest. hopefully i am getting better too. insya-Allah.

Friday, April 9, 2010

a week has passed

sekejap je time jln. tup tup dh seminggu. now it is 3.45pm. wat am i doing at home? well.. i'm on mc. cough n sore throat. ubat dh mkn. cuma tak comfortable sket la. hubby dh pegi keje balik. tadi he is back for lunch. after gi clinic pagi tadi i trus tapau lauk. balik tadi vacuum n mop umah sket sbb cam dh habuk.. pastu masak nasi. while tgk tv ingat nk blog kejap. hehe..hopefully batuk i ni semakin reda la. syian baby.. mummy batuk die pun mesti tergoyang2 kan. hehe.. die dh pandai tau. knock2 perut mummy die. syg baby n daddy so much.

last sunday we gi sogo. tgk barang2 and ade la beli beberapa baju 4 baby. 2 baju penguin, 1 pair short sleeve and another one long sleeve. pastu mama bagi lampin. so nnt nk kene wash n simpan dalam bag tp bag die takde lagi. kene discuss ngan hubby nak gune bag ape.

last saturday gi putrajaya. ade wedding pastu food dh habis so we all makan la kat area masjid tu. snap2 pics tapi tak dpt upload lagi. ade ngan syafiq. nnt nk ask from him la.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

i'm in love

new month

i'm in april 2010 now meaning i got like 2 more months b4 my delivery time. well, i'm a lil bit nervous. hehe.. i'm now at home. hubby went for golf with his frens and ade satu guess yg tetibe nk join. nak tau sape? my dad la. sape lagi. hehehe.. hope he'll enjoy the session at driving range today.

i nak tgk tv la ni. ngantuk pun ade. nnt i update k. chiow!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

nite thoughts

it is soon to be 12 midnite. im done with isya' prayer. alhamdulillah. i'm done ironing hubby's shirt. done with kitchen, done with the laundry so i was juz thinking of stopping by at my blog juz to blog a few lines b4 i make it for the day.

well, as for work.. it is month end and it is usual for accounts people to be quite bz and hectic through out this few days. but alhamdulillah managed to settle it. juz tomoro i got few more batches to be uploaded into the accounting system. hopefully it is done right. others are practically in place except for a few changes that the group finance has come out with the payment system. basically the things can be done pretty easy but bcoz of standardization so it is a bit complicated but no worries as i'm sure there are shortcuts to the new intervention so that it wont take up much time if compared to previous system.

this afternon while having lunch, i surveyed some cute lil thing for my lil baby. thought of sharing it at home with hubby and today hubby is a lil bit penat so i guess when the right timing comes we'll then share the things. i am now 26 weeks. which left like 10-12 weeks b4 my due date. banyak2 berdoa that i can deliver normal and selamat. baby skang kat dlm tummy mummy die pun dh bnyk gerak2. semlm i terasa ngilu+geli yg amat sgt. haa.. tgk die tgh timbul2. tau mummy die tgh blog psl die eh. hehehe.... syg baby and daddy very much. i got the check-up this
weekend. nervous plak rasanye. hehe...

hmm.. oklah baby mummy nk sleep ni. owh btw, today mummy cooked western la. spagethi. first western meal bile mummy dh kawin ngan daddy. hehehe.. hope he liked it.. k la.. till then. nite baby. nite hubby. adios~

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


its 9pm already. hubby hasnt come back from work. he got tonnes of work to do. this morning he said he wanted to come home early coz he wants to sleep early tp tup tup tak jadi. he needs to setel some jobs at ofis. syian die. i boring la. hubby i takde. nk manja2. nk kapuk2. =( takpela.. baby ade.. bole baca buku.. tgk tv.. makan... we will wait for hubby to come back. love u!

Friday, March 19, 2010

holiday at sg hj dorani

our first open house

actually it was done a long time ago. during hari raya.so i n hubby kelam kabut masak. tgk la pic ni. hehehe..thanx yang.. tapi ntah ape la rasanye ye..

jalan2 kat melaka

muka each other yg penat atas bot
tgh tggu food~asam pedas melaka

i'm on leave

i took one day off today coz i need to clear my last year's leave b4 it gets forfeited. and i am now at mum's house. coz hubby is attending a 3 days course at kelumpang. ever heard of that place b4? well my cousins granma lives there. my mum's sis in law. been there once but it was a very long time ago. haha.. dh tak ingat pun ape ade kat sane. tapi mmg bnyk la pokok2 and dusun2. more to eco friendly living. tp hubby's coverage were pretty bad. anyway hope he is having so much fun there. plus relaxing. yes i know he is working there tapi stil cam holiday la sbb kat tmpt yang jauh dr kl. skang ni duk umah mum sis is around with her 3 kids. mcm2 perangai. tapi ye la i bukannye bole angkat sgt. mlm tadi siap ade scene yg menyebabkan benjol kat tangga. fay nangis punye la kuat. pastu radhi kene puk kat totot die. riyadh tgh main2 ngan tok mak. my sis kak yan at her house. berpantang. her baby so far alhamdulillah.

last week saturday is my baby's check up day. i was nervous as usual. my weight gained like 5 kg. hehe.. baby alhamdulillah sihat. dpt tgk die punye tulang belakang. bile tgk baby dlm tummy kan time tu my mind suddenly blank pk juz bout d baby. so miracle. dgn ciptaan tuhan. kaki i bengkak sket. doctor suruh i monitor this three things. tp alhamdulillah ok. maybe sebab dudk lame as mum said kaki berjuntai. so i mmg kene bnyk jln.n masa duduk kene angkat kaki letak atas kotak. i nye sakit butt dh bnyk kurang. ade jgk la sengal2 kengkadang. skang hubby almost every nite sapu minyak gamat kat kaki i. thanx a lot dear. pastu die ckp ingt tak dulu i penah ckp yang i akan jaga u betul2 bile dh kawin. hhmm... =) yes i do. i ingat tu. thanx.

last weekend tak tido umah parent. we tido umah sendiri.sunday morning bfast hubby wat kan jemput2 ikan bilis. die nk tunjuk kat i the kepekatan of the bancuhan sbb i nye cam lembik sket. lunch i masak nasi+sardine+telur dadar. malam tapau lauk. kitorang kemas umah especially hall tu. semak sgt. bilik tak touch sgt. i simpan baju dlm almari. tuka cadar. n lap2 sket mana yang habuk. petang baru mandi. siap syampu. pastu be prepared to sleep sbb monday dh keje. issh... isshh cam baru je monday ni dh nak monday balik.

tues ari tu hubby ade inteviu kat tm. wish him all the best and gud luck. pray to God that hubby's career path is on the right track.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


ingat nk blog kejap tp husband dh suruh tido. so oklah nnt i sambung blog ok. gud nite!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

butt saye sakit la

huhu..maybe urat i tegang. so bile bangun from seat je akan ade rasa sakit. ari ni lagi sakit. dh la husbandku takde. uisshh..skrang menaip sambil berdiri. maybe sbb weight i dh tambah.yang.. tolong urutkan i. cakit la..

3rd day of the month

i was pretty busy since monday. yes it is closing for month end. but bcoz this month we already started using the new accounting system. bnyk lak plak cite die. dgn on monday my team tak ckup 2 org. then system tu plak orang IT lupe nk upload. then baru tau kene separate bank transactions and bukan bank. then satu hari only one master file to be sent. and must be sent b4 12noon. kalo after they will take it to the next day's transactions already. aiyohh..a bit mah-fun. then yesterday, the system was down. so we finally managed to get our fin statement almost 5pm. dh nk balik time tu. so last2 today la baru nk solve. pastu pk2 rupe2nye ade error and ade figure yg kitorang report cam tak make sense. i dh pening camne nak wat analytical review ni. aduishh..last2 mmg kene pk ngan bos. tapi bile dh jumpe finally dpt the revised fin statement and this time i managed to do the review myself. b4 balik dh brief bos sket about that. maybe tomoro will discuss with him on my findings. hopefuly he will be satisfied with my review before reporting it to the MD. then month end is done.

next task is on the TAX computation. alamak.. sendiri punye kene wat n company pun partially kene wat. aku dh pening. td dh buka last's year punye file. tapi tak jpe lagi. nnt la. esok baru pk. skrang kat umah ni. baru dinner. nasi n sayur je. husband keje. hope he is doing fine.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

i'm all alone

that's true. i'm now alone at home. i took my bfast already. juz wondering what should i have for lunch later. tapau or cook something at home. but what should i cook? i still have to go out n buy some onions coz my stocks finished already. mmm..maybe i nak pegi jalan2 kot. tgk la nnt camne eh. ni pun i blum mandi. hehe..

baby->mummy syg baby so much. ni busyuk mummy kan. nnt bile baby dh kuar bnyk bende mummy nk share. even now pun mummy dh cite kat baby kan. it is juz d secret between both of us. no one else can know rite? hehe ;) sumtimes when i talked with baby in tummy i feel so syok. cam die tgh dgr everything yg i ckp kat die. die like understand ape yg i tgh communicate dgn die. yesterday i told my husband that i always feel like i want to know what is my baby up to in my tummy. tgh watpe. how will die react lps i mkn. how die looks like bile tido n kalo tak tido die tgh main ape. hehe.. so many things for me to find out tapi i tau tu sume i takleh nak control. bile pk kan rasa cam so miracle dgn God's creation ni. takleh nk pk abes. mesti stuck sumwhere. another thing rite, my mood during pregnancy mmg cam yo-yo. at times i am so happy and at times i feel so sad. i feel happy sbb i dh kawin ngan orang yg i nk sgt kawin dr dulu n now i'm having his baby in my tummy. our baby. bile i sad, i rasa cam takde sape sayang i ni. even my husband. sometimes rasa cam husband i patut kawin ngan orang yang die btul2 sayang (i mean his true love) truk kan emotion i ni. sometimes rasa bile duduk sengsorang cam best. takyah nk communicate ngan sape2. tapi kan tak elok nk emo2 terlebey ni. mengarut.

yesterday had a morning emo smp nangis menitik air mata. dad ajak gi melaka. ade very close fren. pastu i jammed sbb husband nak gi air terjun ngan kengkawan die. so last2 i decide i ikut my dad. husband gi ngan frens die. tapi last2 tak jadi sbb postpone to sunday. meaning i can go with him to melaka. but we decided to go with separate cars instead of one with dad coz he plans to take me round2 melaka town having cendol. finally off we go but my camera is not charged so we are only relying on our camera phone. takpela. at least got smething rather than nothing. about 2 hours la journey then we reached there. it was a very hot day. i think hotter than kl. so tekak dah ade rasa tak syok sket. so kene minum banyak plain water ni. pastu after kenduri we gi makan cendl kat jonker walk. fuhh..sedap ok. mmg lain la rasa die compared to our place. pastu round2 lagi singgah toilet, pastu makan lagi nasi putih+ikan masak asam pedas before we naik boat tour for the day b4 truskan our journey. happy sgt and view sgt cantik. nnt baby dh kuar kite gi skali lagi ok. i was a lil bit tired that i slept ard 30 min in the car until we reached seremban r&r. mkn nasi goreng. then truskan journey balik umah. smp umah ard 12 nite. terdozed off kejap kat sofa. ngantuk+letih. smp snoring. haha.. tapi my heart felt so happy. terjaga then cleaned up. tgk husband tak tido lagi. siap kunci2 pintu lagi. bile die tgh kunci pintu i tak suke la. wondering ape la die buat smp nk lock2 pintu. bukannye ade budak kecik nak kaco die. cam soooo damn secretive. menyampah. malas nk layan.ape2 la. suka ati ko. cleaned up then tido.

well..well.. dh kul 12 noon ni. nk mandi la. then nak ready for lunch. i'm okay already. i'll take watever comes. key to it ~sabar~ and smile a lot. cherios!!

Friday, February 26, 2010

eating biscuits

huhu..skrang tgh mkn biskut sultana. one of hubby's fav. die biskut campur kismis. ade masam2 sket but the biskut tawar sket. hubby ckp kene cicah air tapi takpe ni pun dah sedap. hehe..

maulidur rasul

today is a public holiday for whole country in conjunction with maulidur rasul. maulidur rasul, some org ckp birthday nabi muhammad. for me i rasa hari nabi muhammad dilahirkan or diputerakan. ingat lagi lagu masa sekolah agama dulu 12 rabi'ulawal tahun gajah. wondering when exactly the tahun gajah time. before century la kan. berjuta2 tahun dahulu okay. whoosshh lamenye.

btw semlm i dh visit my sis kat hospital tapi tak sempat tgk baby die. baby die alhamdulillah bole breathe ngan normal. juz masa nk feeding die takleh nk suck. kene gune tiub. ape2 pun i doakan semoga kedua-duanye selamat and sihat. aminn. btw, husband's niece also not feeling well, die kene chicken pox. hopefully she is getting better as well.

we baru balik from lunch kat faber. kenyang. banyak gak lauk yg i amik tapi tak habis. hehe.. tinggal lauk je la. nasi habis. skang husband tgh tido tggu time nk pegi semayang jumaat.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

end of working day for february 2010

well people february is going to over soon. today like 25th. no more working days. tomoro is a public holiday. so meaning when i come back to work next week it will be 1st of march already. huahuahua..kejap je rasa 2 bulan of this year dah abes. so ade lagi 9 bulan b4 kite masuk ke tahun baru kan... ckp psl kejap tak kejap.. tinggal brape bulan je lagi i nak deliver. isshh... nervous nye i rasa. macam2 feelings i ade k. skrang i dh masuk 5 months. hmm..hhmm.. so i bnykkan berdoa for baby now n masa nk deliver nnt. insya-Allah.

now i tgh tggu husband i balik from ofis. i wanted to go n visit my sis. die baru deliver this morning. ingat die nk balik awal. tapi last2 minit ade keje kene wat. y ari ni baru i tau nk kene tunggu barang. or else maybe i pegi je dulu hospital tgk my sis. hhmm... takpela.. kate time visit finishes at 9pm n now dh 7pm. hopefully he sempat to deliver his work on time.

owwh..i nak update pasal baby busyuk i ni. die skang dh pandai tau. bole grak2. active. tolak mummy die ngan kaki, gerak kan tangan. n that day nye scan alhamdulilah semuanye ok. i tgk muke husband i die cam soooo excited n teruja ok. lagi satu i dh ajar die few songs;

1. twinkies
2. baa baa black sheep
3. bintang seni
4. barney's i love u (the most annoying purple dinosaur-like wat hubby said-ade ke patut)
5. n nw ade time hubby bacakan buku tafsir untuk me + baby skali b4 sleep. ade time i smp tertido. hehehe... thanx a lot dear. suke nk manjakan i.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

valentine's day

the previous nine valentine's day i celebrated with my then boyfriend. now he is my husband. i sayang die sgt. kengkadang bile terpk tak sangka yang we dh kawin n going to have our baby soon. masa couple kite slalu ckp nnt bile kite dh kawin, bile kite ade anak. hehe.. n all of that it comes true after going thru many things together. kengkadang ade jgk i rasa betul ke hubby i ni nak kawin ngan i. betul ke? sincerely ke? pastu bile i tanye die jawab betul la. =) ape2 pun i bersyukur and thanx God for everything Dia dah bagi kat i. n here i am wishing also that my busyuk baby ni sihat dlm tummy i. love my baby so much..

holidays's over

woohoo.. going back home soon. waiting for dearest hubby to finish his design b4 fetching me to balik. the both of us now dh mcm tak brape feeling well. flu. weather pun pretty hot. imagine 34.5 celcius. and it is predicted to be til end of march. soo.. i ni kena la jaga my health sbb ade baby busyuk dlm tummy. nnt syian die kalo mummy die tak sihat. so i kene la minum banyak air kosong. kan.. kann..kann..

now i'm at mum's house. sis n her family already home as well. and umah i tgh bnyk habuk la. tak tertahan hidung ku. ni pun abah nak alih ape lagi ntah. yang hari tu punggah pun tak siap lagi. ni lagi la. our house is not so big. so bile alih2 barang rasa macam tersangat sempit nk breathe. cam takde fresh air ok. tapi ye la nk ckp bnyk ni umah dad. suke hati die la. i skang mmg tak larat nak alih2 barang nak tgk2 barang i. ini pun barang i dh bnyk pi mane ntah. nak bawak gi umah sendri tak tau nak susun mane kan. nnt la bile rs diri dh okay sket boleh la tgk2 barang i n buang yang mana tak nak. skang ni sorry.

hehehe..okaylah.. i nak dinner. tadi baru minum anmum. kenyang lagi. chiow!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

happy cny

well.. it is a long weekend as it is conjunction to cny celebration. n the bulan of buah limau yang bau nye sgt harum *tapi awas jgn mkn bnyk sgt, either sakit perut or batuk. i am now at my in-law's hse. already had lunch. sambal goreng+sayur mmg sedap. saya sgt suke. kenyang. obimin pun dh makan. hubby gi makan nasi daun pisang ngan kengkawan die. woosshh bile terbayang nasi daun pisang tu i wonder mesti portion die bnyk kan. nasi lauk ayam n d curry. i confirm tak abes. tapi die skang dh balek ni ade kt seblh i. tgh baring. soooo manja. sayang die sgt. hehe..

today bnyk event is happening.
1. dad ade family day kat pd
2. dad in law ade kenduri malam ni
3. baby kene check up arini.. jeng jeng jeng mesti baby nervous
4. my sis nk balik msia
5. my sis lagi sorang tgh tggu nak beranak ni

isshh..issh..semalam borak ngan mak. die cam kelam kabut. risau ade hapy ade. pastu i pun remind die jgn kelam kabut sgt nnt terpele'ot cam dlu kat mbsa. trus abah belanja gi europe tour. haha =) tapi mum ckp time tu die takde experience lagi. ehchewah.. kemain lagi ibu ni ye..

bloggy bloggy know what sejak dh pregnant. i happy sgt. bukan la sebelum ni tak hapy tapi bertambah happy. alhamdulillah.. skang ni appetite dh okay sket. tapi stil kene jaga takleh nnt syian baby dlm tummy. i skang pun hari2 ckp ngan baby. die dh besar busyuk mummy n daddy. n now berat i dh 50.7kg. mcm tak percaya dh bertambah berat badan aku. tapi yela i kena la maintain so tak obese during pregnancy. n to eat healthy food. i did somemore surveying on baby's product. cute sgt barang2 die. hehe. duit pun kene kumpul. nnt dh 6/7 bulan nk beli sket la yang mane important k.

okla think so that's all for now. sofea is here =)

Monday, February 1, 2010

baby's stuff

i am wondering around on the web browsing the pages for babies.. wow so many things. and i am so like excited looking at those things. tapi ye la. takde nk beli skang. sekadar tengok2 n survey je kan. hehe..

currently looking at babyjaya...

hari wilayah today~last weekend shopping

yoohoo!! hari ni adalah hari wilayah. so i cuti. hubby kene keje arini. last weekend i n hubby went shopping2 n jalan2. bukan ape. the last few days i nye mood swing cam teruk sket la. hubby ckp pun i ni ckp bukan2. isshh.. apa la i ni. maybe i stress kot. so smp weekend we decided to go to jusco. hubby bought himself few things. for workings and casual. i tell u dari dulu time couple smp dh kawin ni kan.. his touch in choosing things for himself like clothes, shoes, pants semuanye cantik2 ok. mcm whatever he choose nmpk so elegant n yet jgn terkejut kalo price die tu murah je ok. he said yang penting comfortableness and how u gayakan the things u bought to make it look elegant and cool on the wearer. tapi mmg tak dinafikan die punye fashion mmg ade clas. kengkadang kalo die dh malas pun die stil nmpk macho. tu la hubby saya kan. hehe..

so myself.. i bought 3 dresses for maternity. cantik ok. nak pkai pegi keje bole. nak pegi wedding bole, nak pegi jalan2 bole. and i bought 2 pairs of shoes. and amazingly tak lps budget. withink my budget and not more than rm150. okaylah tu.. =)

cite bab makan weekend lps ni alamak... banyak tul i makan. cereals, nasi lauk ikan, satay, nasi impit, lasagne, nasi goreng cina, nasi lemak, nasi lauk sambal goreng *yummy*, lai chee kang..wow! first time i rasa n i really like it.. *double yummy yummy* pastu makan seafood kat port klang malam tadi. i makan udang butter, ketam bercili... *yummy yummy* lagi ok.. baby mesti suke. hehehehe...

talking bout baby.. i baru memasukkan ticker kat dlm blog i ni. roughly dalam 150 days lagi. woohoo!!.. sangat sangat sangat nervous okay i. skrang ni i dh start makan obimin. acid folic dh habis. so doctor suggest makan obimin. alhamdulillah my appetite okay than before. berat badan dh tambah sket. hhmm ape lagi nak update.. haa next check-up will be this month. dlm middle of the month. praying to God baby besar dgn sihat and cukup sifat. Amin.

1st february

holla. eventhough it is already in the month of february, but we are stil in the year of 2010. syian blog i ni. dh lame tak mengupdate kan stories of my life kan. and for the past years i tak pernah terlepas to post a BIG new year's year like d above. dh lambat sket tapi ape salahnye kan. hehe.

begininng of year 2010 gives a lot of changes to me. i am now married and pregnant, i've changed job, i got myself a vivalicious, n lots more. and insya-Allah praying that sumer yang happened akan mematangkan myself in terms of thinking and bringing up of myself.

new year's eve i thought of juz jalan2 tgk fireworks but hubby got ideas planned with frens to go karaoke. so i accompanied him along. i am really happy to look at him happy enjoying himself with frens. at first ingat malas ikut tapi takpela.. teman la hubby i yang chommel n syg tu.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


time passes by so fast and now it is towards end of january 2010 already. roughly i got like 5 more months to go b4 delivering my beloved baby. always n keep on praying that everything will goes on smoothly. insya-Allah.

my father in law was admitted last monday due to heart attack. lucky my bros in law quite fast. but can u imagine the heavy traffic in the morning that they have to go through in order to reach hospital. tapi alhamdulillah sekarang he is getting better. juz a lil bit worried coz hubby said he looked at apak not breathing normally i mean he is a bit tired. tapi praying that everything will goes on smoothly. insya-Allah.

now i baru lepas mandi petang. i mean the last mandi for the day la. today the day was pretty hot. so bile mandi i sejuk tadi rasanye wow segarnye.. tapi kene la lawan sket sejuk nye feelings tu. heheh.. tapi i rasa sgt best.

okaylah. nak siap2 nak gi jalan. tata for now!!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

welcome 2010!

alhamdulillah sekarang kite dh half month in the new year i mean its already 15th of the month. kejap je kan time goes by. sometimes bile i dok sengsorang i terflash back all things that had happened in my life and whew! banyaknye.. tears, joy, happiness, nervous, angriness..and on top of that i am very happy n excited with my life currently. i am still improving myself to become a great daughter, wife and soon mother *wink*wink* hehe.. i am now 15 weeks. n sometimes bile talking to my tummy and baby rasa cam tak percaya. the baby is the symbol of love between me n my beloved dearest hubby. i dunno y but my heart says i love him so much. bile i tgk die dh tido dulu.. i selalu stare at his face. kiss him on the face, kiss him on the hand, kiss him on his forehead.. i said thanks God for giving me an opportunity to live with this guy whom i love so much. n no doubt he is also in love with me. and please dont take him away from me. i will everyday pray for his longiness of life, sihat, and happy. n now die tgh sgt bz wat extra job nk earn extra money. die skang kat bawah tgh wat design something which i agree is quite challenging coz for me with no designing background i said it's hard but him with also knowledge also thought it's hard. well... wishing him all the best and gud luck to complete his job.

i tgh main farmville and cafeworld kat facebook ni. dh lame tak online. dh terlupa camne nak main. hehe.. blog i pun dh lame tak update. well.. okayla.. just nak wish HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010 and may the year brings a great future ahead. and semoga baby dalam perut i ni membesar dgn sihat dan cukup sifat dan semoga i selamat dan mudah time nak deliver baby nanti. insya-Allah.