Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

last day

actually i'm typing using hp.so kind of limited space 2 type.it is juz that i want 2 haf d date as last post 4 d year.well wil update later.maybe 2moro.chiow!

hahaha... woke up bout 40minutes ago. y was i woke up that time coz my uncle came to our house to discuss some banking issues which i think it is soooo damn beng! well, forget bout that.. woohooo!! WELCOME YEAR 2009! let me shut 2008's door hardly without wanting to be open again. nway, didn't really went for celebrating coz malas la nak redah jam. juz watch some fireworks thru tv and outside my house. then went for makan at sec 13 with hubby and his frens. semalam naik keta ared. setelah beberapa lame ade keinginan nak naik akhirnya..hahaha..akhirnya kini pasti.. today's planning tak tau nak wat ape lagi. maybe to the taylor at banting or maybe shah alam mall. c first shah alam mall. takut pegi jauh2 then tutup. btw, hubby and his family is on d way to melaka. having some trip. wah!! syoknye.. i tot weekend. tapi tak jadi. hhmmm..guess what..it is last time me celebrating new year with him as a couple than insya-Allah we will be getting married in 8 months time. aahhh.. worried and macam2 perasaan bercampur campur. on top of that i'm glad and happy. =)

amongs my azam for 2009
1) getting married
2) jadi isteri solehah
3) nak dapat confirmation keje
4) nak tambahkan berat badan sket
5) nak baby --> uuiik..hehehe..malu la.. ;)
6) nak jaga my prayer time (it's important for me to achive success dunia & akhirat)

at the same time wishing for a prosperity in life for my parents i mean good health, stable balance of life.. mmm.. mcm tak kena je i punye words ni.

recapping 2008--> all the things happened will be kept as sweet memories in my diary of life til end of my life. hoping to become more mature in all senses. semoga dipanjangkan umur and murah rezeki. AmiNN...

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

nearing 24 hours to new year's eve

yahoo!!!!!!!!!! tgh dine ni nak tgk mama mia. tadi i bought mee goreng mamak kat ali c. b4 went home went for prayer. i tot was like nak balik trus tapi kak ct dh ask me and takkan i nak tipu ckp i dah semayang. soooo immatured. today my day at ofis banyak buat kotak. starting 11.30am smp lunch. i sakit pinggang sket. pastu tunggu die call tak call call pun smp la kat around 4pm. i sms pastu lambat tau die call. i dh start nak majuk. i tau la die tgh bz with jobs and design. hhmm... tu la shima.. kalo die dh ckp nak time tu time tu jgk la. pastu wat2 cover emotion yang dh moody tu sket. wat2 cam ok. hahaha... mcm la faiz tu tak kenal i ni sape kan. bengong la i ni. wow! year 2008 almost over. maybe i should recap tomorrow. the day of 31st december 2008 and my hopes and visions for year 2009 ahead.

yesterday b4 slept watched maid of honor. sedih and ade rasa nak cry. actually mmg cry pun. sebak time nak separated ngan best fren die. oklah.. want to enjoy the movie.. chaloo!

Monday, December 29, 2008

perfume's over

well...well...well...look what we've got here. yaay!!! finally my searching for perfume for wedding's hantaran dh beli. at first gi gardens pastu tgk2 macam mahal. so we went to the curve la sbb dulu penah survey kat situ. it's pretty cheap la. btw, at first i wanted to take burberry or gucci tapi bile smell balik alamak cam tak syok plak. pastu smell smell plus dh pening pening ape la yang nak amik ni, finally i bought ck's euphoria. wangi n i suke the smell. price is within my budget. the kotaks n pakcaging pun cantik. color purple and pink. one is edt and one is edp. now i know what is the difference between edt and edp. edp lasts longer than edt. if like example edt is 4 hrs lasting, edp will be double lasting than edt that means if we take the earlier example it will be 8 hrs. mostly this one is for those yg running here n there for work. well, hubby bought one set too. it's gucci. canttik la. his perfume pun smell not bad. very masculine and so handsomely smell. ape la aku mengarut. hahaha...the attendant siap packing for us agi with the ribbons and so sbb we all ckp nak letak unutuk hantaran. suke shangat.. tapi we left it at our house. nnt nak dekat time will show how it looks like. anyway thankssss hubby... bawak i jenjalan today. love u lots.

by the way, hari ni makan banyak sgt. mula2 cam lapar gile. pastu makan mee goreng mamak kat teh tarik then makan lak bassil leaves chicken kat thai express. sedap. nyum!! nyum!! ingat tak sedap cam yg i makan kat klcc dulu tapi rupe rupenye sangkaanku meleset. sedap la. so damn kenyang. then we discuss into details our planning for year 2009 which is a big year ahead for us. insya-Allah. mudah-mudahan semua urusan dipermudahkan. Aminnn...

Sunday, December 28, 2008

another hot sunny day

i'm at home now. blogging. well, woke up around 9am. talked to faiz for like 10 minutes then golek2 b4 i actually get outta bed to kemas rumah. first, i do the dirty laundry then i go ahead to clean up the kitchen. basuh all the pinggan, cawan, mangkuk and many things more b4 i lap2 and simpan them. then jemur baju yang dh siap dibasuh. i had oat+nestum as my breakfast aka lunch aka brunch. hahahaha... today hubby is quite bz coz his cousin is getting married. need to help them in the kenduri. hopefully everything's going fine and well for him. ni i tgh bengang. mane la kunci keta. farid nak kuar tapi nak suruh i hantar pastu i mintak die tanye dad pasal kunci tu and yet he tak tanye. hhmm.. takpela kan. if sampai tuesday takde kunci i naik train je la gi ofis.

Saturday, December 27, 2008


nak tgk twilight tapi tak dpt. so at last i tgk beverly hills chihuahua. hahahaha...sangat cute i tell you n anjing tu so damn mengada. siap gi spa la, saloon la, gym la, ade bdy party lagi. went with mus. btw, okaylah. chiow!

2 days after christmas

first of all i nak wish to those celebrating merry wonderful christmas! ho..ho..ho.. santa is coming to town. well, this whole week was a quite and sweet week for me though. i tried came in early to work. juz on wednesday came in a bit late coz i woke up at 7.30am. lucky i am coz the traffic was not that bad. guess so coz it's almost end of the year. many people are taking leaves so that's y the roads are okay in the morning. finished most of the stuff at work that i've planned b4 went for another long holiday. i did not take any leave sbb nak save leaves for wedding. maybe i'll take bout 13-15 days. wow! pretty long huh..
last sunday, spend some time with hubby at klg lame. that nite we talked on the fon for quite sometime. maybe around 3 hrs. i remembered sleeping at around 4am. we talked bout past. bout we've been through especially this 8th years of coupling and how we ended up the relationship with engagement and soon marriage. feel happy bout that. bile time dulu2 teringat kan.. i rasa sad sangat tau. rasa sayu, jealous, anger n many more feelings. i guess our love [between Noor Aziatulshima Jalil & Muhamad Faiz Marican Mubarak] is one of a kind. maybe that's what true love is. we can cry bcoz of our love and in the end we want each other badly. eventhough jiwa is feeling good at revenging or whatsoever, but deep down it is actually crying and wanting to be loved and fulfilled by juz the both of us. by the way, looking at the bright side, i am really really glad and happy that we're gonna get married in sometime soon. insya-Allah. a lot of preparation need to be done. our venues and dates are settled. now i nak cari mak andam and the packege things. my budget is not more than rm3500. talk bout money, another thing that gives me worriness and 'kusut'ness. whooshh! the impact rite sooooo big. insya-Allah boleh calm it down. what i'm really hoping that my wedding will berjalan dgn lancar, selamat dan semuanye alhamdulillah.

today's activity supposedly nak gi taylor pastu nak jalan2 kat jusco kejap. pastu tak jadi sbb keta ade tapi takde kunci. yed ckp mesti abah dgr our conversation n that's y die simpan kunci. hhmm... macam 2 la. takkan la pulak kan. at last decided nak tgk dvd tapi dh half way tgk kat pc, suddenly pc i mati. pasal ntah. i pun tak sure. nnt nak try tanye hubby la y jadik cam tu ar.. pastu dah boring ingat nak ajak yed gi sacc naik taxi. die plak malas. nampaknye mmg duduk kat umah je la nampaknye. bile ade time baru la leh tgk dvd balik.

ohh.. i dah active balik main rogue vampire. skang pun dh join torn city. tapi level stil rendah. my level kat rv dh tinggi. stil doing the searching n converting ppl. hahaha... syok jgk kan. pastu kat ofis pun amik masa curi2 main. hahaha... bile boring log in la kejap. tapi kena careful. pastu kan bile kena masuk hospital or under house arrest time tu mmg sangap kan. cam alamak. takpe la. tunggu kejap. pastu mesti lepas. masa christmas ni i bought mince pies kat rv tapi 1 dah stolen by santa. NOTI SANTA!!

hubby went for a goal setting talk at kl. wished him all the best in the new scene he is going to venture. Muhamad Faiz Marican--> sepanjang i couple ngan die kan, mmg susah nak tgk he gave up on something and dunno what is his mind. ade je benda nak buat. he is full of activities and maybe that is the quality in him and how he got sooooo many girls attracted to him. arr... tgk dh jeles balik.. ape ni emotion..jahat ni. i sepatutnye pk.. i dh nak kawin ngan die. i'm the winner kan. so i shud be thankful and damn happy. I AM OKAY!!.... huiisshhh geram tgh melawan emosi sendiri. bengong kejap. pape la i ni. pastu semalam masa tgh tunggu hubby fetch nak gi jalan2, datang perangai pelik i plak. damn hyper. siap joget2 lagi dalam bilik. terkinja2 seorang diri. yed recorded it but he doesn't want to show it to me. die kata nnt i delete. oooohhhhh noooo... mane aci.. hhmmm.... syok gile.. tapi lepas tu penat n pancit. i kena gi jog la. stamina dh takde. wonder how dulu i boleh menari lama2. at least 2 hours kan. skang ni gerak sket dah eeooo.. hubby ckp kena jog. okay.. tapi dah lame tak jogging. bile nak pegi pun tak tau. hehehehe...

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


pertaining to my blog post dated 18 dec 08. wanted to continue at home tapi tak kesampaian. that was like almost a week ago. i was very damn busy la. back to the topic of hubby. he is now doing great. it is juz that he is quite hectic with office politics bcoz of his colleagues. he just sensed that they are sumhow turning their back on him. well, gave him few of my thoughts and hopefully he is looking through at it. last week also, his dad went under surgery on his heart. and it is really miracle on what he explained to me. his dad is in gud condition. he accompanied his dad at hospital. hopefully it is okay with him. it's quite chilling there. just praying that everything is going to be allright. me also trying my best to get my momentum back especially in completing my 5 prayers which i believe is the best thing to block me from doing no good things and also to prevent me from unnecessary behaviour.
not much to updates on my work. as usual if cakap keje keje keje takkan habis sampai biler2. by the way, my appraisal is going to be around the corner. wish me best of luck.
i'm missing my sayang now. wished cud spent more time with him tapi if i sabar skang i'll get a big reward later. okay let's move to the next topic of my FAV FAV.

wedding preparation
after some crying, callings, diagrees, postponing, changing dates, opinions and finally dh decide that my wedding will be at home. yaay!. after talking with abah this morning we juz move the dare one day later sbb dad nak buat on sunday in order for his frens to come. i pun ckp oklah tu. i dah happy sbb lps ni bole focus kat tmpt lain. yaay! alhamdulillah. so far i dah beli kasut and telekung. lain2 blum lagi. rasa cam aiyooo.... kejap je december nak abis. pasni dh tahun baru. lps ni nk survey lagi perfum and maybe purse la instead of clutch.

talking bout tahun baru.. both islamic and lunar calendar is changing soon. insya-Allah and hoping for a better and prosporous years ahead. Aminn..

Thursday, December 18, 2008

new handphone

lupe nak update. bought new fon. tapi as usual stil sayang fon lame. nokia express music. i felt sooooooo sexy coz it's red n black. elegant kan. hehehe.. kena jaga n maintain this fon as i maintain myself.

kepala sangat kusut

that's what i totally feel at the moment. with weddings few moths away n financially i'm not that ready which creates unnecessary doubts and worried inside me. so many things had happened through out this few days leaving me with no time to actually blog to express my feelings. urrgghh.. i'm currently at office. waiting for someone's job in order for me to complete my forecast figures. sometimes i juz felt here ppl dont work professionally that creates inefficiency and ineffectiveness. looking forward n being matured, i should be more positive and to complete my target as to cleaning up the *shit* of what ppl did in the past. a bit tirying especially mind but thinking positively i shud not take that as a barrier for me to move one step ahead.

as for hubby, he went through a lot of things. ntahla.. since that day yang sakit kaki sampai skang ni. hhmm.. continue blog later. gtg now.

Friday, December 12, 2008


shopping dulu..
nak survey..

friday 12 dec

well, this week is pretty okay for me. my mood seems okay. not much of working mood affecting me. well, guess so i focused more on work and becoming more serious and that's y ppl dont really haf anything unnecessary to say.
it was quite a short week this week coz monday was a public hols. tuesday accompanied darling to his insurance agent sumwhere in gombak. phew! new experience. maybe i'll join in with him and work together as a team. than balik makan kat hakim. as usual our favorite food ayam tandoori+roti naan. yummy.. tapi tak brape syok sbb sakit perut period pain and ade ulcer kat bawah lidah. sakit tau. sakit tau. =(
pastu wednesday balik awal sbb nak pegi jusco bukit tinggi. ade j card day. hubby bought a set of comforter. murah k. from rm700 tinggal rm140. i tak beli pun. maybe next round la.
hhmm... hari ni plak ade meeting. tak tau ade meeting until today. at first ingat sampai kul 5 tapi tak. only up to 4.30pm something about new approach. tak brape paham. hehee...
important updates--> wedding preparation. alamak lagi less than 10months. the time is coming. worried la i. insya-Allah. banyakkan berdoa dan plan betul2. banyak benda blum buat lagi ni. paling i terpk is the financial part la. yangg... worried ni..

Monday, December 8, 2008

wishing u...


Tuesday, December 2, 2008


i dah pening kepala la. nak kena siapkan budgetting til fye habis. pastu nak kena siapkan plak for fye mar 10. uisshh.. blum start ape pun lagi. gosh. ni pun dh pening. how to come with assumptions. hehehe.. this thursday i dh applied for leave and it is approved. syok. tapi bukannye ape. nak pegi survey dewan. and if interested trus nak book kan.
tadi tetibe terbatuk la plak. dh makan hacks. quite pedas. btw, tadi chit chat ngan aunty shirley kejap. hahha.. dh lame tak tanye how is she. we laugh on each of our stories.
oklah nak sambung keje. balik pun tak leh sbb hujan.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

last day of november

now i don think when was the last time i blog. was it two days ago or was it one week ago. what ever the duration is, the thing is that i was so damn busy during weekdays that i dont really have time to go online. even at ofis sometimes during lunch in order for me to release my stress i prefer to listen to those videos at you tube. but since today is the last day of the month and we are also going to the last month "December" might as well i blog something. this whole quite a hectic week for me. lemme see.
monday-> came in early as now my ceo is very concern on the attendance. everything went on smoothly til lunch time. cant remember what i had last monday but wat i know is that i'm full through out the whole morning and afternoon session. then at 3pm i had a meeting on mfund and i have to come out with as many strategies or should i say job scope on how to reduce administrative work. stil cant even figure out how even til friday. hahaha.. starting monday kak bedah wants to follow me home. towards friday i dh rasa a bit annoyed. macam hey.. sibuk la. i nak balik sorang2 pun susah sket. i just thought that she n her husband is using me. like b4 this apsal boleh plak husband u amik sampai kat ofis. skrang plak tak leh. everyone kalo nak senang kan diri sendiri memang la macam angels tapi kalo part orang lain. i dont give a damn. haha...
tuesday-> had training through out morning session. it's about city survival for ladies. it is very interesting and so knowledgable to me as a city girls. with so many culprits in the city whom i dont think so i know who are they. it's a bit scary but we have to take precautios steps in order to take care of ourselves. besides, the captain said women are like motorbikes, you bang ppl you get hurt ppl bang you you also get hurt. so moral of the story, take a good care of urself and those new ppl you met. make sure that you dont fall for any traps. a lot of things i learned. and thanks. it is useful. i ni dh la blur je. cannot. have to be aggressive sket baru org tak buli kita.
wednesday-> ade meeting on budget 2010 for our group. with the many presentations. dah la blur. bengong. tak paham sgt. hopefully the budget is good start and session for me. pastu kan i terlupa satu urgent transfer of $. lucky kak jee tolong buatkan. i was like damn kelam kabut. pastu kalo tak buat mesti jadi lagi satu issue kan.
thursday-> buat kotak. tagged think like 3 boxes. quite tired. haa..this day i ingat sbb i dh rasa annoyed ngan kak bedah plak.. aarrgghh shit. so i told hubby and he got some ideas for me to say to her. hopefully it will be useful jugak la. jahat la i ni.
friday-> yaay! last day of the week. very damn happy. ingat nak pegi beli magazine. tapi tak brape sihat. already took panadol in the morning. after i had american breakfast as my breakfast. during lunch makan nasi campur pastu by 5 sharp nak balik dah. hahaha syok. smp shah alam ard 6.30pm. so i went to pasar malam. best giler. sebab dah lame dah sebut nak makan apam balik. finally dpt jugak makan. alhamdulillah. malam tu teman hubby gi clinic. he sakit kaki. syian die. doctor suruh him put down weight. sebab kaki kecik takleh nak tampung berat badan sgt. pastu told him to cntrl on the food he consume especially kambing. uiisshhh.. the day b4 he is so noti ckp doctor dh ckp kat die. he is having gout 2nd phase. tgk jahat kan. buat orang geram. sgt geram. pastu last2 i cried. eleh... bengang tau. takmo kawan. nak merajuk la.
semalam best. mula2 pegi wedding sheri. ramai gak la jumpe kengkawan sekola dulu. sumer dah berubah rubah. tapi yg selalu i jumpa apit (cos she is faiz's fren), sha, ain, dyana. yg lain tu jarang la. pastu kan tuka2 numbers then sume sebuk tanye eh bile ko nak kawin, bile ko nak kawin. ni. nnt jemput tau. jgn tak jemput. i smiling at him saying insya-Allah. tak lame je lgi. next year kan. bulan 8. insyaallah. pastu tgk movie what happened in vegas. starring cameron diaz and ashton kutcher. he is sooo cute. hehehe.. tapi bile time borak2 bnyk ar die bored sket. pastu hidden agenda. =)
after that gi the curve. karaoke. pastu sebab nak celebrate pyan's bday. it was a surprise one. i didn't know actually tapi suddenly my mind brought back to the same situation last year. we all makan ice cream cake kat the curve jgk. hahaha.. balik ard 12.30am. hubby dh moody. maybe sbb his dad scolded him. than he's tired. syian die. then cleaned up pastu bang tido. hahaha.. buku citer baby proof dah habis baca. so dh takde buku. maybe kena rent some books lagi. nnt nak gi shah alam mall la. nak survey kejap.
ohh.. i dh ade account torncity. dh logged in tapi blum main lagi sbb nak blogging. oklah tadi i shopped groceries with mom. pastu jap gi nak makan. chiow!
good bye november and welcome december!

Monday, November 24, 2008


that'w what we did for the last weekend. at first thought nak survey colors je pastu last2 trus beli kain for nikah. it is so sweet la. shangat shweet. bet u must like the colors tapi tu la i tak sure lagi pesen ape nak wat. nak wat terlampau trendy nnt takleh last lame. at least do something yg i rasa i can wear longer. hehehe..
saturday tu, i n faiz dh decided on the dates. and insya-Allah as what we planned the dates are there. tunggulah ye i announce nnt k. rasa cam nak jerit n *aaarrrrggghhhhhhhhh* not tension! tapi speechless. no words. yang... nak kapuk u. alhamdulillah. just hoping that our wedding will work on smoothly dan juge berjalan dgn lancar. discus psl many things, hantaran, door gifts, theme color, card an many more. tapi the most important part is the financial highlights and budgetting. blum really look into it. faiz tgh bz n pack for this few days. hopefully his health is at the tip top condition as well. love ya!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

lunch time

nasi putih + telur dadar + sambal tumis sotong kering

nyum! nyum!

Monday, November 17, 2008


hahaha.. dh lame tak blogging. dah almost a week tapi i rasa lagi lame daripada tu. around 2 weeks tapi reality nye baru mmm.. dalam 4 hari.
last thursday, masa baru nak balik.. keta i meragam. takleh nak start. i dh nervous gile. mmg ade rasa nak nangis la time tu. tried few times stil tak leh jgk. call dad pastu tak angkat. lagi la rasa nak nangis. call orang tu n he sounded me. i was like. "what! i bukannye stay back on purpose. i got work to do!" bengang giler la time tu kan. then called en saz. luckily die blum balik, so, he came to the scene. n he tried starting few times as well. last baru dpt call my dad balik. he told me to ketat kan the cable kat battery tu. so, finally after twice trying dah boleh. syok nye.. happy tak terkira la time tu. alhamdulillah! so, i must remember if next time it happens again, i must know what to do. learning from that. a good knowledge from me. balik tu gi dine with family kat thai restaurant kat shah alam mall. diorang dh pindah tempat. kat tmpt east india dulu. rasa lagi cozy. food as usual, not bad la kan. hehe.. banyak giler i makan. soo kenyang. i ni dh brape lame tak timbang berat. rasanya masa bulan puasa hari tu. tu pun 49kg. skrang maybe ntah2 dah 52kg. ohh tidak.. i dah gemuk. hehhe..
friday.. sampai ofis awal ingat nak jumpe boss kul 9.30am. tapi masuk kul 12. almost 1 hour jgk la duduk dlm tu. got discussion bout the charts yang i kena siapkan the day before. that day i balik awal dalam 4 sbb nak gi airport. hmm.. kisah sedih berlaku. send my sis and her family to nz. b4 they fly kishing kishing radhi n fay. mm..cam sad sbb takde org nak bully. thnx to faiz for temaning me there. dah la hujan lebat. pastu snap few pics. blum upload lagi. nnt i post the pics okay. balik tu gi makan satay kat hentian rehat dengkil. hhmm... rase sayu tu stil ade. hhmm.. faiz pun cam bz la. these few days tgk die i know he is bz with work. pastu mind die kan cam tgh focus benda2 lain. sometimes rasa i ni menyusahkan je. hhmm.. he mentioned that he doesn't like that. but that what i felt after he said. hhmm... macam2 la. sabar je la. better i baca buku. talking bout books i skang tgh melayan buku baby proof. cam bored sket tapi takpe dah beli. so baca la smp habis. nnt i rent kat mall tu. maybe i'll have a look at the shop this weekend. i planned nak jumpe queenie this weekend. dh geram ngan rambut i ni sebenarnye. nak trim sket pastu nak tuka color sket. or maybe stil use brown n highlight a bit. hehhee...
saturday i'm working. almost 3 i balik. tapau mcd. pastu malam tu lepak umah je. tgh syok2 tgk the ant bully, dad tgh bad mood. mm.. kena marah la. suruh buang baju la. ape la. tak paham langsung i bab tu. pastu i dah la nak ngadu cam tak kena tmpt sbb faiz tgh sebuk sesangat sebuk. so i rasa bile i tgh citer cam he can't focus. takpela.. pastu i yang calm myself. i baca buku sampai i rasa mengantuk. sunday tu bangun, baca buku balik. pastu teman faiz gi tgk abg boy. his wife already gave birth to a baby girl. sihat. alhamdulillah the mother n baby sehat. ingat semalam nak gi jalan ngan mum pastu tak dpt. tgk la maybe this weekend.
today monday i was a bit stress. faiz as usual bz with his design. tadi chit chat ngan mus kejap. syok plak. funny pun ade. ape la i ni mengarut. tapi mus tu girls secret tau *sshhh* hehehe.. hari ni i rasa tak productive langsung sbb ade discussion discussion discussion. muyak tau muyak.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

sejuk shangat

ofis i skang macam kat dlm chiller plak. ishyy.. tadi pakai shawl je. if sejuk sgt maybe i pkai sweater je la. hehe.. first of all would like to congratulate hubby upon completing his insurance license. mula2 cam sedih sbb ckp fail pastu "yang.. kish i" i pass la" oohh..puk kang. noti ni. suke usik i ye. very happy for him. alhamdulillah. and he is sooo manje. secondly, i dh period. sakit perut since yesterday. tapi hari ni baru keluar period. i was a bit sad tapi takpe sbb hubby ckp he will pray for me. thirdly i cam sedih sket sbb esok my sis n family nak fly to nz dah. tak jumpe la radhi n fay maybe for another 3 years at least. juz hoping that time my wedding they r around. baru syok sket kan.
this morning i woke up feeling tak syok. i missed my hubby so much. wished could hug and kiss him. rindu la kat u yang. nnt nak cari time bile can spend time together gether.
i baru lps lunch. nak siapkan sket keje sbb kul 3pm ade discussion on the current position of p&l of this company. i dh siapkan slides. include those to be presented in the board paper.
btw, nak sambung wat keje la plak.
tapi tu pun ade time nak blog kejap. hehehe... mesti curi time.. hahaha


ohh... perut kurang sakit sbb i minum yogurt tadi. if ok maybe i blh amalkan minum yogurt hari2 kan. btw, it is good for my health rite.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

sentimental value

eerrmmm not! sentimental feelings.. ahahahah..isshhyy gediksnye i. tetibe ter sentimental lebih plak. malas nak citer. buat hati tak syok je. better i do or think something that i like. for example like shopping, teddy bears, musics (cheh..macam terel sgt plak psl music) dan kengkawan nye. got lots of work to do la. hmm.. lucky hari ni takyah nak buat tagging kotak. btw, nak siapkan jgk keje saye tu. love ya!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

more stories

ofis updates-i dah pindah tempat duduk. ade cubicle baru. belakang i scenery best dpt tgk luar. but a bit stuffy sbb ade kotak2 tanco tu. pastu tmpt baru tu sejuk gile. maybe sbb tempat die dh kecik, pastu org dh sket pastu sejuk. lucky ade shawl. boleh balut2. hehe balut macam burger. hahaha.. manage to angkat most of the stuff tapi still ade sket nak kena hantar filing.
semalam gaduh ngan bob. pastu hubby bawak jalan. hehehe.. syok. lps nangis pastu gi jalan. then beli sket groceries. then siapkan acc. happy la i. dah tally. then tgk cite orang minyak. issyy scary la.. alamak nak hujan la. chiow!

i'm sooooooooooooooooooo happy.. semalam spend time ngan hubby 2 orang. no need to story more as you know. hehehe =)

Monday, November 3, 2008

3rd nov 08

my birthday! yahhooo.. i'm 25 years old.

woke up quite early. mandi then pakai cantik2 sbb my bday. hari ni blh pakai lenses. syok giler. pastu wear earings. happy sgt. mum n bro wished in the morning. sampai ofis pun awal sbb i ikut smart tunnel. sebab my bday malas nak lalu jam plak. pastu smp ofis i beli american breakfast. kenyang, ade french toast sapu strawberry, ade sausages, ade baked beans and ade scramble eggs. kenyang giler i. pastu lunch time ard 12 kluar lunch ngan hubby. tapi at first pegi settle something kat bsn dulu. hubby's loan. congrats. die dah sign the agreement. so ard this week, he will get the $. alhamdulillah. then he belanja me kat little penang cafe kat klcc. pastu dpt card bday. dh lame tak dpt card from him. soooooooooooo shweet.. syok. hehehe thnx darling. balik awal, ingat nak gi makan kat luar ngan family pastu tak jadi. dad tak sihat. gi clinic. i pun lps hubby jumpe member die we gi minum je. tapi i worried tgk muka die time tu. macam ade benda yg die tgh pk. something big yg make him worried. maybe it's a bout work la. praying that he can settle it.

pursue to my kursus kahwin selama 2 hari

syyookk! gelak2 pun ade dgr cite2 tu semua. 1st day i duduk somewhere in the middle. 2nd day syok sbb dpt duduk dpn. pastu kena banyak tanye sbb duduk depan. hahaha.. hubby pun duduk dpn. 2nd row from depan. pastu bile ustaz cakap2 sket we all tgk each other. hehehe.. pastu kan ade satu benda ustaz tu ckp. cannot make love thru butt. dosa besar. issy.. i ade la jgk terpk nant dh kawin nak buat cam tu tapi since dah tak bole then better tak yah. banyak lg info yg i belajar kat sane. info to be use for my marriage life. insya-Allah. banyak experience and stories yang ustaz/ustazah tu citer yang i rasa useful to take knowledge. how to tackle husband. how to jaga tata tertib as a wife. kena jaga kehormatan diri, kena amanah dgn harta benda husband, kena jujur.. banyak la lagi. as a husband pun banyak benda kena belajar. dlm kursus tu pun ade die cite pasal woman giving birth, macam mana nak beranak. pastu pasal penyakit kemaluan. then how smoking can affect your health. hhmm.. banyak la. then ustaz tu pesan lagi, yang lepas tu lepas la. tutup buku tu. buka buku baru. focus kat new life. banyakkan berdoa disamping complete kan prayers. bile dgr kan ade la yang terkena diri sendiri pastu janji kat diri sendiri to improve life to become seorang hamba Allah yang disayangi serta seorang isteri yang setia. i tgh trying not to follow my emotions sgt. so around this whole week, mmg i jaga time prayers, everytime tu i berdoa so i blh handle stres and also kawal emosi i. i ni kan orang yg suke sgt ikut emosi. it's not good sbb nnt it affects physical. insya-Allah i akan jaga tu. to hubby--> may we can manfaatkan the ilmu that we got from the kursus together k.

Friday, October 31, 2008


i was looking for this cd. that day i put that cd on the computer's table. that was like mmmm wednesday eh.. pastu ingat tadi nak play. tgk takde plak atas meja ni. ni la bengang sket. dh tanye bob n farid. dua2 pun tak tau ke mana. ke.. i dh amik.. tapi takde la. i remember i left it on the table. hmm.. i got it for free kat ofis hari tu. all the ceos and cfos anf family n friends die nyanyi. nak gak dgr kan. hehehe.. macm syok aje la. oklah.. nak print tapi ink plak dh habis. aku nak dgr lagu la skang ni. kepala pun lapang. skang dh tak cry. tapi tgh sad la sket. =(

end of the month

hari ni i bangun lambat setelah berhappy happy semalam. hehhe.. should be kept as one of sweet memory n sin. hehe.. well.. you know la. btw, i smp ofis ard 10.30am. trus buat keje of closing acc. then, sepatutnye kena transfer dulu duit tu baru buat closure checklist tu. semua cam kelam kabut. so, buat la semua yg perlu. mmg tadi during lunch dh menangis. mmg menangis. pressure sgt. dgn ofis yg reorganize tu. macam hape je. pastu ntah la. sabar je la. i ni kan makan gaji. so i buat la ape keje yg i buat skang ni. i pun kengkadang tak paham. btw, i'm not in ceo's shoes. n i don kno what he is facing actually.

btw, got great news from him. KGE's bsn loan approved n they r allowing rm20k. alhamdulillah, semoga sentiasa murah rezeki. aminn... lps ni kena susun strategi yang btul for accts. i tanak sangkut sangkut. susah nanti. insya-Allah will do my best to help him establish the accounts.

esok i ae kursus kahwin. hee... experience in life. will let u know the story mory tomoro. or maybe after dah habis. baru syok sket kan. lalalala... baru lps nangis tadi. =(

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

i'm tensed

aarrgghhh! tapi tu la.. take it easy..
go girl.. jgn nangis..

Friday, October 24, 2008

i'm lost

yep! that's right. i'm lost and dont really really really like this feelings i'm having at the moment for the past 3 hours. hopefully it should be lesser down when i'm on the way home. i'm currently at ofis finishing old jobs. tensi sgt. mmg tersangat la tensi. hmm.. tadi pun rs nak nangis tapi takleh sbb he said dont la cry. kak yan pun ckp jgn la cry. oklah... chiow chin chau...!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

updates in my life since monday

lamenye tak blog. this 3 days mmg quite hectic for me. ade time nak nangis. ade time happy. ade time syok. ade time bengang. ade time menyampah. macam2 ada! hahahaha. let me story.

monday-woke up ard 7.30am. terasa sgt la malas nak pegi keje. gayut kejap kat fon but he seems to be sleepy. guess so he is tired. then, while talking pun boleh terdoze off. bangun at 8 mandi2, breakfast sket then zoom gi keje. i ikut smart tunnel tapi masa kat subang, fullamak jam la. traffic so congested sbb biase la rakyat malaysia. yang nak belok kiri tu ade 2 lane. pastu orang suka take over sampai dh makan 2 lane yg nak trus. so yg nak trus ni tggl la satu or dua lane yang mmg confirm akan jam. lps je tu trus je smp la kluar kat exit tunnel kat time square. fullamak! cam syok la lalu dalam tunnel tu. admiring the design and the concrete. it's very useful to the citizen. especially during heavy downpour. wonder how when hujan lebat tunnel tu blh penuh and bile dh kering, air tu sumer pegi mane. hhmm.. pelik pelik ngan design+engineering of it. gitu gini, cari parking roughly ard 9.30 smp ofis. then gi beli breakfast. makan nasi lemak. start la buat keje aku. ade satu maturity for me that day. collection a/c. pastu call since 9.45am. at last bank ckp their system baru btul kul 10.45am. 1 hour. wonder y it took so long. the system blum up ke or the ppl yg tgh breakfast. pastu, do the necessary then it's time for lunch. i lunch ngan mus and shaquira. kat ofis i nye cafe. i makan nasi kukus ayam rempah. kenyang giler babe. we all gelak2 la while makan. bukak cite time belajar dulu2. kelakar. pastu cite towards future. weddinggs, plannings... ale biase la tu kn. pastu friday ni nak gi pasar kat blkang ofis tu ngan diorang. saje nak jalan2. tgk la kalo dh ade yg berkenan, maybe i trus amik je kot. hehehe.. maybe spare la dlm 3o bucks. hopefully it should b ok. my boss dh pindah tmpt. skang kat blkang we all. where he is supposed to be la. a lot of issues done n raised n myself a bit confusing with the restructuring thingy. hopefully n insya-Allah will manage. balik umah ard 7pm. smp roughly dlm 8 la. smp umah tgk sis n bros tgh kemas bilik we all. then, i kena recheck bag i. recheck recheck dh selsema. syian i kan. tapi takpe. bilik tu dh kemas sket. tak sure abis kemas kul brape. do some cleaning up then baca buku bout doa yang i beli that day kat popular. rasa tenang sgt bile praktikkan that dlm daily lives. if nak ikutkan hati, mmg la i ni kuat menangis. so baik tak payah pk tu semua. buat sakit hati, pening, bengang and might as well, baca buku. better, at least i've filled up some info n knowledge into myself.

tuesday-bangun lambat gak. memang malas lagi nak gi keje sbb dah tau nak kena stayback pasal tanco thingy yang tak tau smp ke bile kesudahannye. hhmm.. tawakkal je la. recon ni our team yg tgk tgk n dh bnyk figures we all tgk smp nak muak. tuesday ni i banyak gile meeting after lunch. i tapau je nasi goreng. satu nasi goreng and air sirap. lps tu start kul 3 ade meeting. boss suruh i hand-over part of mgmt acc jobs to kak bedah as she is officially in the companny. tapi alamak banyak cengkadak plak. ckp tak bleh la itu tak bleh. macam banyak sgt keje plak. i ni nnt nak kena handle clients. so hopefully it should be ok. tapi i'm kind of agreed with boss that she has to do most of the mgmt acc jobs tapi yg i worry tu orang kat ofis i ni suke sgt overwrite new jobs with the old one. i mean the softcopy. i prefer to have soft copy and hard copy at the same time. nak tgk formulas n sume yg related. towards the end of the meeting i dah pening. lps tu ade satu meeting lagi pasal retirement benefit on malakoff. masa kak siti explain, i cam masuk telinga kanan kluar telinga kiri. picit n urut bahu. ohh.. lupe highlight. i pakai sut brown hari ni. comel la sya. hehehe.. tapi jaket n skirt tone tu a bit diff coz the jaket is like slalu dipakai so dh pudar,. haha.. lantak la. pastu tu la lps meeting tu mintak panadol, sapu minyak kat leher then beli roti bakar 2 sets, makan dulu baru makan 2 biji panadol. slowly it relief. pastu boleh sambung tanco. as usual benda tu dh tak suka kan tapi kena la jgk try to suka so blh siap cpt. hopefully it can be done by this week. stayed back til 8.30pm. balik umah smp pun ard 10pm. mandi2 baring jap atas katil, main ngan fay the fairy then tido. wat i remember i called him tapi he pun tired so we wished each other b4 we went to sleep.

wednesday- today woke up quite early compared to 2 days ago. haha.. bangun pastu gosok baju. breakfast then gi keje. skang ni dh tuka keta ngan abah. skang cam kena isi minyak hari2 rm30. mmg la tak hbs tapi the next day morning farid send bob to skool that's why die dh tarik minyak kat situ. drive biase la jam kat hot spots. lps tu ok je. then jam balik towards ofis. smp b4 9. best. pastu hari ni murah rezeki n lapar tak ingat. i breakfast nasi lemak, lunch nasi lemak n nasi ayam. tea time syok sket sbb i makan roti jala, sandwich and fries. sbb i ade meeting kat monterez. i'm nervous at first. pastu bile dh hbs la.. ok la. takde ape sgt la. dlm meeting tu siap bod smoke, boleh bangun amik food. i prepared myself la. kot kot die tanye anything bout the accounts kan. tapi takde. dgr they cite psl golf clubs. macam2 la. i ngan hafizul pun tak faham. lucky tmpt dkt ngan umah. lps tu trus balik umah. smp pun tadi kul 8.30pm mandi2 then makan scott emulsion. n now here i am blogging. jap lagi nak tido dh. ngantuk. alhamdulillah this days dah habis. hoping for a better day tomorrow.

i'm missing someone here. dunno whether does he miss me too.. ?? dunno.. takpela kalo tak miss. i got my mr pinky and mr stripe. syok. nnt nak kapuk these 2 things. =) oman to understand woman and in the facts that does not actually happening. y? dunno..dunno.. hhmm... tak sabar nak ade babies. kalo twins.. camne..? alhamdulillah. murah rezeki. hehehe... shayang shangatt. pastu boleh main kejar2. baca story books. besh nye. =D

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Friday, October 17, 2008

lunch @ ofis

that's wat i'm currently doing. while eating while blogging. i can log in to blog only during lunch time. not other time. i tgh sakit perut ni. tapi blum makan ape2 ubat lagi. wait til my perut tak tahan then only i baru makan. hehhe.. ade orang tu blog die tgh blank. dunno wat is he up to. juz wait la nnt. surprise eh. oklah chiow! btw, nak complain sket ni. system kat tmpt i kije wahhh...sungguh lembab dan membuatkan i nye keje jadi tak efisien. nyampah!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

faces of hubby

yangg.. i tgh try gune adobe families. tapi tak brape cantik sgt cam u punye tapi kire ok kan b. 1st trial. hehehe.. comel la die ni. nak kapuk bleh?

sesi mengemas

hari ni sampai umah.. mandi dulu sebab sempat lagi b4 maghrib. then pray maghrib, rest jap sambung isya' trus. rasa sungguh tenang dan lapang di hati ku ini. pastu sesi mengemas handbag yg berat giler. (apa la yg aku bawak sampai berat) tapi lepas buang2 semua kertas yang unnecessary, tau tak ape yg berat.... COINS POUCH. punye la banyak coins. skang ni tak gune syiling coz dh gune smart tag. takpela. maybe esok i try gune cash plak. at least boleh kurangkan sket isi kandungan beg yang bernama COINS POUCH itu. hehehe.. =)

syian hubby tension. die gi main game kejap. ckp nak huhahuha ngan kawan2. pressure ngan keje n surroundings (including me jgk kot) am trying best noy to peningkan kepala.

setelah mengemas dan sesi mengunyap cookies raya (choc chip) yang boleh tahan sedapnye (nyum! nyum!) i telah kumpul beberapa pics yg i nak gi print kat kedai. buat 4r la tapi kosnye nggak tau lagi. kena omonng same itu kedai dulu ya mbak. ape aku mengarut nih.. lalala.. tapi itu la hakikatnye.

skang.. project baru. tgh nak try. wish me luck. adik i takde plak nak tanye. isshh..takpe.. cube dulu pastu tak sure baru tanye.

talking bout my work. hmmm... lagi la. malas gue mau bicara. nanti la. tetibe bile dh balik terlupe pasal keje. maybe that's not my company that's y tak kesa sgt kot tapi wat if that company belongs to me. mampus kalo tak take part or knowledge of all the info in the company. insya-Allah hubby, honey will always pray for you. (love u so much)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

2 full days of eating

wahhh!! sangat betul. sangat kenyang. hehe.. gue makan banyak sangat dong. tapi takpe. gue dh nak tido. nanti gue sambung lagi ya dong.

good nite!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

raya raya

cute little angels

rayaing photos..

5 of us

with bobby

me family

dad & mum

kuih raya

with mum

grandparents & grandchildrens

panjang dh rambut

salam raya

Monday, October 6, 2008

monday off

i'm off today. applied for leave. at first went to settle my car. the light bulb okay. my sensor meter is short. need to be changed. the mechanic said the cost will be around rm200. hmm.. alamak cost lagi. pastu radio tak sempat survey sebab nak teman dearest hubby to get info on his loan. we went to 2 companies but it seems to be interested to the 2nd one. but the paperworks that need to be done first. a lot of it. i actually tgh pening kepala thinking bout this. especially in the accounts part. the latest mgt accts. woosshh... tadi ade rs pening kepala sket. pastu lps time mkn kurang sket. kesian hubby. i baru je take part of his burden then tu pun dh pening kepala. if i were to put myself in his shoes, i don think i can manage. if i can pun, maybe it will involve a lot of tears. bile pk2.. how and what can i do to help him ease the burden in himself. i tau i ni penyumbang to stress in himself. hmm... bile rasa camtu.. mula la i pk.. maybe i should not disturb him. taknak call la taknak msg la. pastu bile pk2 balik.. i shouldn't do that sbb by not informing wat i'm up to, nnt die dok terpk2 apela tunang die tgh buat tu kan. pastu haa..dh create satu stress kat situ. when i'm married with him, i nak hidup lama ngan die. i tak nak hidup sekejap je sebab we dah lama berkawan. n we dah go through many many things together [sometimes rasa cam isshh.. how strong his love on me]. i nak the life after marriage will be the sweetest memories in both our lives. nak deliver cute, healthy n smart babies for him. so these babies can call him "daddy".. ohh so sweet.. insya-Allah, praying for his long life and successness. after settling jobs, we spent some quality time together. =) big smile on the face. i miss him so much la. semalam i ckp kat die, when he is into bisnes, he seems to be bz. n i rasa time i dh kurang ngan die. he admitted that. i know he's doing all this for our future. must be banyak sabar2 je la. tapi tu la.. kadang2 hati ni tak nak paham.. tak nak paham.. paham takk... aarrgghhh! tension plak camni.. yannnggggg..... miss u la. nak kapuk lama2.. SO INTO U!!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

eagle eye

today went for a movie at tgv. i think dh lame giler tak pegi tgk movie. few months.. maybe dh almost 6 months kot.btw, the show was nice. really enjoy myself. belanja hubby coz i dh planned it was present for his bday on 1st october (time raye ari tu)

Saturday, October 4, 2008

raya @ 2008

first of all, would like to wish those muslims selamat hari raya aidilfitri maaf zahir dan batin. i'm glad n very thankful that i am able to celebrate this wonderful ceremony together with my family. alhamdulillah.. first raya falls on hubby's birthday. wished him all the best to his future and may God bless him, murah rezeki and dipanjangkan umur.

let me story mory my raya celebration this year. after hubby sent me home from ofis, i changed and cleaned up. rest jap pastu tolong my mum to prepare stuff for rendang aka daging, blend bawang, serai, lengkuas, prepare the kerisik. then dlm kul 5 lebih kot i tertido smp la nak berbuka. pastu bangun cleaned up then berbuka. alhamdulillah sudah sebulan berpuasa dan akhirnya akan beraya la kita semua. malam tu kat tv dh banyak sgt program raya. smp tak sure nak tgk ape. then, nk tolong anyam ketupat. tak menjadi-jadi. bengang je. camne eh nak buat. yang terror buat tau la sape kan. abah ku. mum pun not bad. then i tido around 12 something to 1 am. baju raya langsung tak gosonk lagi. apsal la aku malas bebenor ni. then bangun esok pagi mum yang tolong gosokkan. hehehe... infact for everyone. dad's n brother's. mandi mandi then gi semayang raya. not that many people at masjid negeri. yang ramai nye orang indon la. they came with several buses. roughly ard 9.30am habis pastu balik rumah then makan. makan2 then time to beraya. sesi bermaaf-maafan. kasi duit raya. this time i cam sebak la. maybe this is the last raya for me to celebrate with family sbb lps ni maybe i dah berkahwin. n bile dh kahwin tak tau balik mane dulu. terpulang kat future husband nanti. the best place for a wife is to be at the husband's side. insya-Allah my dream is also to become isteri solehah. Aminn..

then lps beraya tu so damn sleepy. tido smp ard 3pm. kak yan came then gi jalan2 kat jusco with mum then minum kat oldtown white coffee. balik tu makan lagi. ketupat ngan kuah kacang yg ade ayam tu. then packing2, mandi nak beraya ke tempat lain plak. visit umah hubby dulu tapi tak banyak bergambar sebab sedara mara die sh smp. then we all pun rushing ke rumah kawan abah. kat umah hubby makan nasi beryani n putu mayam. so kenyang. pastu kat umah kawan abah pun makan nasi beryani. kenyang jgk. smp umah nenek ard 11.45pm. tgk tv then ard 12 something dh titon. ngantuk n letih sket.

2nd day raya, bangun kul 10.30am apala i ni. anak dara bangun lambat. siapkan baju my brother mandi then tunggu along dtg pastu sesi beraya ke rumah sedara. we convoi with ucu n andak. gi umah mak ngan, nek usu, tok cik and umah mak auntie ha. makan until sooooo kenyang. tak elok sungguh perangai ni. time puasa elok boleh tahan nafsu lapar & dahaga. time raya menyebat macam2. smp sakit perut. hahaha...padan muka. tu la..makan lagi macam2. air gas la, air nescafe la, air anggur la, and many more.. that nite, kemas2 around 10.30 gerak balik shah alam. sampai umah ard 11.30pm. ingat nak tgk tv tapi tak jadi. lepas cleaned up je trus tido.

3rd day raya, mula2 nak gi kampung abah tapi tak jadi sbb abah gi main golf dulu. so after friday prayer, pastu ngan hujan lagi we all beraya kat kj je. gi umah jiran lama, kawan mama n umah pak uda. gitu gini smp umah dlm kul 9pm. pastu ape lagi time for tv watching. wahh... syoknye. macam macam cite aku ngan farid tgk. smp ard 1 something. then ingat nak blogging tapi tak jadi plak. cam malas pun ade. then apelagi. amik camera tgk gambar yg we all snap time raya. pastu nnt nk transfer. cable ade dlam keta faiz marican. i think so la. mintak die carikan when he gets back from kampung.

talking bout him at kampung. he said he is supposed to balik on sunday ( esok la kan) ckp nak gi jb beraya kat umah mak mary. pastu today on the way to jb. then i call la time die on the way. mula2 ok pk logik tapi if kuar pagi takkan around 12 baru smp yong peng. cam tak logik.. then baru i tau die sebenarnye nak balik klang. hehehe... nak surprised kan i la tu. eleh..eleh... so chommell... *mmuuuaahhhh* tapi tak jadi sbb i managed to find out. hehehe.... anyway, thanks for alwiz having the thoughts to surprise me. love ya faiz marican.

today pun ingat nak gi kampung abah tapi tak jadi. pastu ade 3 families dtg beraya kat our house. penat sket la kat dapur tapi takpe. hati gembira.. yayaya... sbb hari raya.. tadi ade downloads few more lagu raya.. pastu ade try guna dobe group. tapi photoshop takleh gune. hmm.. sbb 3o grace period dh expired. so nk kena mintak farid belikan cd for all the software so boleh la i gune sumer... hehe.. cam syok plak. boleh gune sket2 software tu. i know it is going to be useful kan.

gambar raya nnt i upload ye. nk tunggu cable dulu. cousins pun tunggu gambar from me tapi sory cable takde ngan i. =)

..berlalulah sudah ramadhan..sebulan berpuasa...tibe syawal kita rayakan..dgn rasa gembira...anak muda di rantauan..semuanya pulang ke desa.. ibu dan ayah keriangan.. lalala...



Tuesday, September 30, 2008


raya eve n i'm still at ofis. came in quite late. but nvm, later going home at 3pm. dearest sexiest hottest hubby will come n fetch me at ofis. syian die. rasa cam menyusahkan plak. thnx btw. love him damn much. anyway, tonite 12am will be a special call that i'm going to make. wanna know wat.. stay tuned to the next post.



Monday, September 29, 2008

2 more days for raya

yaay! i'm happy.. at first i dun think i haf the feelings for beraya but after a while yaay! eventhough with so many things happened i'm glad n thankful coz i managed to celebrate this wonderful month of aidilfitri with my loved ones. so many hands to salam due to all the sins i've done. sometimes when i think back, i dunno la. i may not be a perfect person n i know i've done many sinful things.. yelled to parents.. betrayed loved one..lying.. cheh! sungguh tak suke. i dh janji ngan diri sendiri to improve on myself. insya-Allah. skang ni pun tgh nak catch n fulfill the 5 most important rukun in islam. insya-Allah boleh.
last saturday had to come to work. bout the tanco thingy. stayed till around 3 to key in those info get from additional boxes. i was emotionally breakdown (biase la kan) sbb kena keje weekend, but then it went ok coz my so-hot-sexy fiancee came to fetch me at ofis. then we went jalan2 at klcc b4 we went back to our favoritessssssssssss place to buka puasa. =) i didn't buy anything. only change my watch strap. finally after few months (i guess it's already years since i last wear a watch) get back to skin strap. pusing2 .. last2 beli kuih raya. i bought kuih dahlia n keropok ikan yg dipuntal panjang2. yummy... yummy... so delicous n i'm like what...so hungry at the moment. today lepas sahur i takde minum milo coz my throat doesn't feel syok. so i decided to only drink air putih. by the way nak raya dah. hopefully it's getting better. now face dh bnyk pimples naik. sakit la. maybe it's hot then tak minum air sbb puasa. alhamdulillah sepanjang berpuasa takde la sakit ape. juz period pain the other day.
back to shopping stories. semalam i dah beli kebaya nyonya setelah meround hampir 2 jam. bengang je adek-adek ku. syian depa. hahaha.. color black n purple. cam eh btul ke nak pakai ni. then balik umah. tertido smp la buka puasa. pastu lepas kemas2 cleaned up amek hubby gi plak jln taiping. bro nk tgk kasut n seluar. i bought brooch for myself nak pakai ngan kebaya nanti. syok nye. hopefully i will look pretty. hehehe... ;)
today not many ppl at work. coz many of them dah balik kampung. tinggal a few of us je lagi. okaylah.. time to go.. chow!

Friday, September 26, 2008


i'm hungry but erpp.. biasye nih... mmg la lapar. sebab puasa. sabar sabar ok. hehehe.. kat ofis time break ni. tgh relax while dgr lagu raya kat radio ofismate seblh. so many things so many things i wanted to share but maybe in the next topic or post coz now is not the right time for me to do so. chiow!

Monday, September 22, 2008


testing at office. boleh lak log in but tak tau boleh ke tak. takpe.. takpe..test dulu.

silence is golden

that can be true. coz too much words blurted out can create uncomfortableness to others or even hurt them. but too much silence can create a negative impact to herself/himself. evrything must be in a moderate mode. so we can live our lives on balancing. not just tyres need balancing. our lives need that too. i'm just done with sahur. won't be sleeping coz i don't want to be late for work. i guess i already had enuf sleep yesterday. will be ironing my clothes than off to work.

i miss my mum la... ma, btul ke ape yg shima buat sekarang ni?

Saturday, September 20, 2008

buka puasa time *i'm totally full*

can't imagine how much i ate for buka puasa semalam. so damn kenyang. mula2 i ate spagethi with tomato sauce. stop n rest b4 i continue to eat nasi putih with lauk ayam + daging masak kurma, ikan masak assam n mm.. tak ingat lauk ape lagi. pastu makan daging bakar then ice cream, then some puffs n puddings, not forgetting the pudding. then air sirap then teh tarik then warm water. gosshhh! banyaknye aku makan. makin gemuk la aku ni. hari tu baru timbang berat n it's less than 50kg by 1 kg only. that means 49kg la. hahaha.. satu kilo je kurang pun nak kecoh.. hahaha... i think might be it should be my ideal weight skang ni. so have to maintain this weight til married. talking bout married, already faxed those registration of kursus kahwin last week. we've chosen the dates in november. kena update dlm calendar handphone. listening to some songs at the moment. hari ni pagi tadi makan roti cicah air milo. then makan nasi lauk kuah lontong. pastu makan nasi ayam. then dinner makan nasi n daging masak merah. tadi kaki kiri n kanan terasa sgt2 lenguh. so i sapu minyak panas then terdozed off. lega la rasa kaki. malam kang nak pkai socks then nk tido. so blh rasa cam baby...at least kaki i tak rasa lenguh or cramp bile tido mlm kang. missed my beloved. does he miss me too?

today was pretty hot la. lucky stil not fasting but most probably esok will do. dah do d necessary cleaned up. hehehe =) this week ade 2 kali kena buka puasa kat ofis la. mmg sungguh boring. tak syok. because of the fal-tanco case la. smp that day, i'm emotional breakdown. mmg nekad nak cari kerja lain. talking bout work, don really happy with the job i'm doing at the moment. high pay but i'm stressed. sometimes smp malas nak angkat tepon. kring..kring.. at the other end. tapi if tak angkat nnt ade urgent things to do. hhmmm... if ckp kat orang psl i nye stress ni sure orang lain pun akan ckp "la.. cam die sorang je tgh stress" hhmm.. skang dh nampak la my current department boss ni playing politics at work and i don't think it is a good n healthy environment. but as far as i'm concern and advice by close ppl, they said tak yah nak involve involve in office politics ni. currently wat i'm doing is datang keje, kat ofis buat keje then habis keje kluar ofis dah takde masa nak pk psl keje kat ofis tu lagi. kalo do work if ppl tak appreciate buang masa je kan.

tadi baru tgk fon bil. then, cam alamk banyak nye fon bil nak kena bayar. maybe i kena kurangkan call la lps ni. to everyone.. i guess so. in that case i can help to reduce the cost bear by him. coz i see he is bearing too many costs at the moment.

went to service my pwecious ah-hon. bunyi die dh okay. not that bising. sometimes so worried dgn condition keta yg tak menentu. dah la hari2 travel gune keta tu. i kena make sure the condition is tip top. sbb if pk i travel pagi 1 n half hours balik pun around that. total 3 jam dlm keta. nak tinted plak. hhmm.. syian ah-hon. nnt ade extra $ nak gi color body keta tu balik. so die nampak cam baru. baru pk nak tuka keta. so at least masa return balik kat dad, it is in proper condition.

hmm.. y suddenly perut i rasa tak syok ni =( nak kapuk somebody but that somebody tgh sibuk. wonder wat is he up to. kalo call cam sibuk je. maybe he tgh discuss psl work. malas nk pk bukan2. trust his words of watever he says.

tadi talked with mus, macam2 la. pasal girls la. aduiihh... so many things in life. sometimes ade rasa nak nangis. wishing for a happy life til end of my life. insya-Allah. praying hard n doa banyak2 to teguhkan iman i. insya-Allah. i need some peacefullness. looking for it. the new love that i've mentioned earlier. hoping that my parents is in healthy condition. and also my family.


talking bout my radhi n fay. they dah semakin besar. radhi dh potong rambut pendek tapi sbb muke die nmpk soft. he looked so chommel.. ade iras2 girl jgk. but i alwiz told him, abang boy bukan girl. boys pkai jam, belt, topi. pastu fay skang dh makin riuh mulut die. jerit2 je. bising tapi i happy tgk die. skang dh pandai gelak n senyum. tadi nak snap gambar siap ckp adik fay smile, so there she was smiling so big hehehe.. nmpk gigi atas 2 bawah 2. nnt i trf n post k. so cute. sekarang ni i alwiz ade rase tak sabarnye nak ade babies. cute n adorable. nak hug, nak kiss, nak give all of my love kat my babies [precious one] nak sayang til end of my life. so bile die besar, they got full love from me n their daddy =) of course need guidance from both parents on how to raise kids. sama2 nak tgk they membesar depan mata, pegi tadika, masuk primary school, then secondary school, colleges and then time for them to work n get married. by that time mesti teringat time masa i nak kawin. how my parents so bz with all the preparations. if boleh n dipanjangkan umur for both parent so they dapat tgk their cucu kawin. n wishing that my parent sihat seadanye til end of their life. they r getting older nowadays. dad is going to retire soon. tgh pk camne nak bagi pocket $ kat both parent. insya-Allah boleh nanti. be positive.

thinking of downloading more songs but can't think of a song at the moment. at the same time tgh tgk tv cerekarama psl this guy yg menderhakan kat mak die. tak sempat nak mintak ampun. terasa macam i ni mmg la banyak dosa kat my parent. sbb dlm cite tu die nak tanam keranda tapi takleh nak masuk. dh 3 kali gali then the father tak nak ampunkan dosa coz die pukul mak die. tapi dh lps ustaz tu nasihat the father pun ampunkan dosa anak die and keranda tu blh ditanam. kena mintak ampun kat parent. that's why they say, hidup takkan tenteram if tak dpt redha from parent. * a mother's heart is so sensitive* sedih la. to everyone that has still a person name MOTHER in this world, love your mother til end of her life. coz syurga itu terletak di bawah tapak kaki-ibu.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

. . . . .

hhmmm... typing without really knowing of wat to say. "tapi bukan aku" wat does that sentence means? listening to the song n reading the lyrics. sometimes juz wonder how people come out with such a great art like songs composing or lyrics writing. but for me, i guess i am more keen to know the exact meaning of those words written. it could be the experience that the writer had experienced, or maybe the imagination of the writer or maybe what the writer is hoping he/she will get. wonder where do they get the ideas. it could be great. if i can even write one. perhaps i could try someday. juz see how good am i at writing. well, now i'm not that used to reading english story books like before. dunno where does that interest goes to. now sometimes i wonder where does all my interest goes to. missing in action? MIA.. hahaha... talking bout my interest. so many things. guess one of the biggest barrier is $. when i'm short of $, i tend to think of not spending scared that towards end of the month, i dun have enuf to eat. with oil prices not static and those market prices keep increasing, $ need to be save. with planning of getting married in hand next year. so much $ to be spent. but with God's will, there's a way n it juz that we dont have to stop earning. oohh..cut the topic of $ or else i won't be finishing talking bout it. my interest? lots lots lots. i like reading. yeah! that's true but now wher does that interest goes to. last novel i read was like 4 months ago about a love story. guess it's time for me to re-visit the rent-a-book shop to rent those novels or any kind of books that is in my interest. secondly, i suke tgk tv. tapi now, wher does that interest go to? wishing that after work, get home, bath, dinner get on the bed n sleep. even though the nite is long til the next morning. when i woke up the next day, oohh ruginye i tido lelame semlm coz i don get to see the night passed by. it should be wonderful. yeah!.. this year is the 2nd year i'm working. sometimes stil wonder ape lagi yg i cari dlm life i ni? a lot of things. will update the list kat my blog so when i view it everyday, i know it is achievable. some people wil take some time away for themselves by going for holidays. i mmg have that plans in mind but i dunno when can i get the chance to go holidaying. maybe alone could be nice kot. depends ler. hhmm...going on. i like watching movies, going for bowling. tapi nak pegi ngan sape? maybe not allowed to go with frens. brothers with their own plans. tuition, lepaking with frens, movies with their frens. hhmmm... life still must go on no matter what. i'm getting sleepier. but this morning i woke up quite late. ard 7.30am haha n i enter the ofis at 9.30am. wah so late tapi i go home at 6pm. ting tong ting tong. nite!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

time is running short

suddenly i felt so nervous. our wedding will be few months away n i haven't tot of any colors nor an plans for the wedding yet. kursus kahwin blum pegi lagi ni. oohh..kusut kusut. yangg..nak diskusi ngan u la. hmm..bnyk benda lagi ni. tapi skang tgh focus nak habiskan bulan pose yang mulia ni. pastu baru nak focus to that. oosshh.. banyak benda ni. camne.. sabar sabar. dalam kelam kabut ni ade rasa syok kan. the preparation n everything. insya-Allah.


feels like talking lagi but somethings are meant to be unexplained. coz it will be explanaible by itself. listening to few songs. thinking bout future. makes me scared, wonder how it will be. praying hard to God that everything is going to be fine. insya-Allah. hoping for His forgiveness and also blessings to proceed with lives. looking for some peacefullness.


about a week since i last blog. wasn't feel right at the moment. period pain. so i'm not fasting. nnt kena ganti. talking bout ganti puasa, i sendiri tak sure how many days kena ganti since yg last dulu. but the one when i was at dublin i dh habis ganti. syok plak sbb time buka puasa awal. hehe.. then yesterday went for some time spending with beloved darling. ate pizza for breakfasting. went home ard 11.30pm. the day before went to see the make-up bag. syok.. took the one in black bag. looking very exclusive. thanks a lot.
today went to the ofis. since morning. kena settle work on toot toot.. geram je. ingat dah setel. no need to come to work today. tapi at last kena gak. dahla sakit perut gile giler. rasa nak sepak sepak je orang tau. then had lunch with hubby *wink*wink* hubby tak fasting eh? sbb i tak fasting. hehehe.. we tapau mcd. i makan bubur ayam. he suapkan for me. thanks.

Monday, September 8, 2008

today's weather

i bet everyone should know that the weather here is currently up n down. the cold that i'm facing at the moment remind me of when i used to leave in europe. the wind that blows make me feel uncomfortable. together with its driness of skin that needs to apply lotion. i even had a though yesterday, eh..my country will be facing snow soon izzit? so weird. many ppl said that the world is coming to its end. and thinking of it. it is qada' n qadar. sometimes i'm scared. a lot of sins i've done. to ask His forgiveness. i'm really scared.
but this phenomena is also part of human being's doing. with open burning. chopping down big trees to give way to development and to smaller down the river. so many things happened to our beloved world. to help save our world is to reduce the usage of paper. if possible, it's better to use recycle paper. save trees from being cutting down. if one ppl does that it may not help but imagine if it is being practise by whole world sure can help save our trees and also help to save our WORLD..green for environment. love green for our future children.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

left my hp in faiz's car

yerpp.. last friday we went to berbuka puasa with some of his friends at old town white coffee. i ordered prawn mee. quite pedas. mee habis. kuah ade sket lagi. hubby ate dry curry mee. ard 9 gerak balik. quite sleepy. dh ting tong. then smp lupe nk check brg b4 kuar from keta. hhmm.. hp tertinggal kat passenger seat dlm pocket tu. hahaha... funny..rasa bengong kejap bile takde hp sbb kena gune house fon. macam style dulu2 time takde hp. kak yan ckp "eh tau tak skang hp tu mcm nyawa tau, kalo tgh travel takde hp, dangerous k" hehehe... tak kesa la psl tu. lucky fon rumah dh blh gune. 1 day je. wondering how hubby's one took few days to reconnect. but finally dh dpt gune juz now his fon line is not working properly. his mum said kena camtu lps ade petir that day. skang i tggl sorang ngan parent. bro kuar. sis pun kuar. hari ni nak buka pose ape ar? hhmm.. takde ideas la. nak buat ayam mayo tapi oven takde. camne nak bakar. hhmm.. dh lama tak masak. jeles lak dgr hubby skang tgh mood nak masak je. that day he buat roti john. that nite, after trawih went to his house nak taste n yummy delicious. yummy nyer.. saye dah lapar ni.. nnt dh get married nak gilir2 la masak. pastu tuka recipe eh. hehehe... today hubby plan nak buat ayam mayo. his grandma is coming down from kampung.
yesterday nite buka puasa kat yong tau foo. mula2 ingat makan yong tau foo la i mean the putih2, tauhu, kuih2 die tapi lain la kat situ. die cam kena order satu dish pastu kalo nak boleh makan ngan nasi. kenyang giler. it was raining yesterday. sejuk giler. kat umah kak yan masa nak balik.. uiisshhh sejuk giler dgn angin dgn sejuk. hubby ckp the weather last nite smp 18 degrees. giler sejuk. rasa so uncomfortable. balik je cleaned up, pakai vicks tapi tak rasa panas sgt maybe sbb dada i dh sejuk. ade flam. pastu pakai socks dgr lagu then tido. today bgn sahur quite early. dlm kul 4.45am. by 5.10am dh setel. borak jap ngan hubby pastu tido balik.
planning for my wedding--> nak setel gi kursus kahwin dulu.
oh forgot to update. semalam gi ofis hubby. cantik nye. dh masuk carpet n aircond. so nyaman, cosy n rasa nak tido. best shangat best shangat...hehehe =D congrats dear on new improvement towards ur business. will alwiz pray for ur successness..

Thursday, September 4, 2008

rainy day

today i masuk ofis lambat tapi balik awal. hehehe... truk gak. tadi dh discus ngan superior on my raya leave. i'm taking 1 day after n 1 day b4 raya. hmm.. susah ar nak apply leave sbb bukannye dpt leave on for 1 whole year. trus je 21 days like that. die kena as u work as u earn. leceh la camtu. if plan cuti lame, mmg takleh la kan. hhmmmmm.. arrgghh lupe kan pasal work. hubby pun ckp bile siang i ni sedih, nak nangis, rushing tapi bile mlm my voice very calming. eceh ceh.. perasan. masuk bakul angkat sendiri. hehehe... =D

today buka puasa i, mum, farid n bob je. dad ade keje kat luar. meriah meja kitorang. mcm2 lauk n kuih ade. alhamdulillah. i amik 3 jenis lauk je. jap gi nak gi makan kuih plak.

update..my house telephone dh kena potong. sbb i byr hari tu tak ckup 50% so kena bar. hmm.. dh call the customer service. i dah buat the balance payment. tak sure bile boleh sambung. esok i nak kena call balik telekom ckp i dh byr. let see how long the will take. hubby nye house tak sambung2 lagi skang. syian die...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

*daddy* *mummy*

3rd day fasting

let me tell ya a storie of mine which i believe could make ya laugh. haha.. no kidding. maybe it's not funny for ya but for me after thinking of it.. hahaha..hahaha...

yesterday 2nd day puasa n first time puasa kat new ofis. masuk awal la kan. then boleh balik kul 5pm. then, masa nak balik boss ckp nak tgk figure p&l for the month of aug. so i cpt2 la do the double entries. last2 dh siap. pastu pass for approvals. then, nak tanye i psl this client yg nak kena go under litigation ke ape ke benda ntah. then, i dh bagi the best figure as wat i can get from the listing. then die tanye tanye lagi. i dh ckp alamak i nak balik ni. takut tak sempat. last last 5.45pm i chow. roughly almost 6pm la. then stuck kat jam for like 2 hours eh. i smp umah teka pkul brape. 7.35pm eh after orang dh buka puasa. hubby pun sibuk2 nak buka dah. i call pastu cam tak layan je. hmm... then i dh rs sebak sad then trus cry. aahh..cry babe.. CRY...... C-R-Y syian i kan. smp umah je.. trus basuh muka n tangan then trus buka puasa. bros gelak kan aje i. mus pun gelak kan i. tringat time kat dublin. bulan pose gak. tetibe nangis sbb tasha terkepak kaki spec. hehehehehe.. then tasha belanja cookies. hehehehe... hhmmm...=( wat a experience. pastu dgn havoc n hectic kat ofis. uiisshhh..sakit kepala i camni. nasib baik i sabar. i dh bnyk kluar tears kat this new place. environment not really. more on the ppl's atittude and work load yg ntah pape ntah. then how to ubat diri sendiri is juz ckp *sabar*sabar*

pastu today hoping for a better day compared to yesterday. jln pagi jam truk padahal kluar awal. tadi ckp ngan kakak ofismate. she said maybe sbb bulan pose. evrybody is driving sbb senang nak travel balik awal, pegi pasar nak buka pose. hari ni quite hectic. pastu towards 4pm ade keje baru masuk. hmm... geram la ni. cpt2 siapkan. then, ard 5.15 dh balik. b4 balik fon atas meja berdering dering tapi gue malas nak angkat. nnt ade je yg call asking for work padahal dh state ckp nak balik time bulan pose kul 5pm kan. so.. i pun angkat kaki la. yang syok, alhamdulillah jalan quite clear. smp federal kul 6 camtu. then zoom smp rumah. roughly tak laju sgt. maybe ard 80km/h. smp hse ard 7 sbb stop gi beli kuih pulut panggang n murtabak. balik tu amik farid kat bus stop, mandi2 then buka pose ramai2. mum masak rendang ayam. yummyy.. semua orang makan banyak hari ni. syok n happy. pastu cleaned up then gi terawih ngan mum. balik lepak atas katil then online.. hhmm..cam dh ngantuk tapi ade keje sket nak buat. as usual hoping for a better day tomorrow.

Monday, September 1, 2008


slamat berpuasa! doa so sihat seadanye. to hubby, slamat berpuasa! really happy got another chance to celebrate this wonderful month together.
juz got back from nenek's house. hari ni melepek je kat umah. tido je keje. hahaha.. ape la i ni. pastu ard 5.30pm baru mandi. bwk bros jejalan beli roti john. hari hujan. quite sejuk. alhamdulillah first day went well.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

happy merdeka

51 years of merdeka to my country. hopefully it will become better and safer place for my future generation. it was windy the whole day. so after lunch, i took a nap (again?) hahaha.. dh la tido lame. bgn kul 10 pastu boleh sambung tido lagi . woke up at 3pm. sis called talking and giving opinions on wher to buy the house for me n future husband. tapi future husband kate ade plan lain. takpela. i dh decide where my husband live that's where i am going to be. no matter where. kan shayang kan.. semalam spend some time with my tunang. pusing2 dlm keta nak cari nasi lemak pak lang tapi tak jumpe. last last gi makan nasi lemak gak kat maple. kenyang. uiisshh! talking bout food now i dah lapar plak. hehehe.. malam tadi minum jap kat luar ngan dad, mum, radhi n hubby n ared. balik ard 1am.
esok cuti lagi. n esok is first day of ramadhan. my first time celebrating ramadhan with a different status, tunang orang. of course it is going to be different. n insya-Allah n hopefully masa bulan pose ni semua orang sihat2 ade nye.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

nice picsa


yaay..yaay..juz got back from segamat. very very happy. syok sgt. stil rasa cam mimpi sbb balik kampung hubby. far far away from buildings and bz life at kl. woke up at 6.30am on saturday sbb hubby ckp nak gerak kul 7am. mengantuk sungguh sbb the nite b4 gi karaoke. smp umah ard 1am. the next day baru kemas bag. breakfast nasi goreng. pastu hubby, his mum n syafiq smp. mum die tanye permission from abah. abah kasi. so roughly from my hse ard 9am. stopped by at mulus makan dulu baru gerak. rasa syok sgt sbb nak jalan. smp rest hse ayer keroh dlm kul 11.30am. pastu i dh tersenggut-senggut. ngantuk. sejuk sangat. rasa nak selimut selimut. pastu dh msuk tangkak. trus masuk jln kampung. lalu kaki gunung ledang. sejuk jgk. imagining how hubby used to travel malam2 to n fro uitm. klg segamat. jauh tu. dh la malam. sorang2. syian die. nak kapuk u b. tu sumer experience kan. i ter lelap kejap. ngantuk ssgt. takleh nak handle. alhamdulillah smp umah tokmah ard 1.30pm. rilex rilex jap pastu lunch. lauk ikan baung masak lemak cili api. so full. sedap k mak long masak. tokmah tak brape sihat. she rest on the couch in front of the tv. umah tokmah cantik tau. rumah dpn, kayu blakang batu. rumah kayu tu so unique sbb tak pkai paku. juz selit between kayu. rest kejap. pastu ard 2.30pm jalan2 gi town. minum kat restoran yg kerusi die very old skool. pusing2, tgk kebun pastu balik. it's stil raining la masa kat kampung. balik tu discus on accounts KGE. at last accomplished. ard 6pm gi town balik. tgk kain kat JAKEL. gi pasar malam, gi dataran segamat, ade snap snap photos. syok la. tak beli kain pun. juz setakat tgk je dulu. survey2. hehehe.. =)
balik tu mandi pastu makan mee sup. mak long masak. sedap. pastu hubby planned nak bawak i gi makan kat mee malek tapi tak jadi sbb he dh ngantuk. syafiq je tido siang. we tak. so i dlm 11 dh masuk bilik ngan rina. dh tido. met a few of hubby's relative. pastu tu pun tak pkai kipas. selimut smp kat pinggang. sejuk. chilling... best. pastu today bangun kul 8.30 gi duduk kat hubby kejap. pegang tgn die n oh mi god.. sejuk k. blh tahan eh die. same ngan syafiq. snap snap photos lagi. pastu mandi gi breakfast kat umah mak long. makan nasi lemak. sedap. cam my mum nasi lemak jgk. hehe..
then, from there gerak gi beli kerepek. pastu gerak balik. hari quite clear so dpt tgk gunung ledang from the car tapi tak dpt tgk air terjun. might be it's the other side of the gunung. takpela.. next time bile balik kampung boleh naik gunung ledang. hehehe.. stil rasa cam mimpi. thanks a lot hubby. really enjoyed my holiday. smp tadi pun ade rasa tak nak balik.
=( tapi i got commitments here. hhmmm.. takpe.. nnt dh smp time blh balik lagi kan. so refreshing.. hhmm... NYAMAN nye...

Monday, August 18, 2008

bz day for me

sakit perut. juz transfer those pics to pc. suddenly heart felt sayu. yangg.. nak hug u. love u very much. takpe.. lawan lawan. today at work quite hectic. since morning til lunch. asyik tersilap je since the past few days. dgn gloopy. erkk.. i mean barang asik nak terjatuh. kat tgn la. kat atas meja la. pen la. paper la. isshh isshh.. best plak lagu skang. nak dance dance. music can heal ur soul. yeah.. that's right. dgr la music if u're down, mad, happy and any feelings. syok.. boleh terlupe tension kejap. best kan. tgh tgk olympic jap. hmm... tak penah komen pasal olimpik since it started. coz the starting is my engagement. too many sweet memories on 08.08.08 =) us at the padang.

la la la la la

hep... nak tido ke tak ni? lost kejap. tgh dgr lagu. hmmm... i've done with work. dh mail to ofis email. dh ngantuk ni. oklah. nite nite.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

enjoying weekend

yeah! that's true. a fun, happy and a bit tirying weekend for me. it's enjoyous coz i went for 2 concerts. saturday nite and sunday nite. hehehe.. yesterday went for my class. at first went straight to level 14. pastu tgk e eh dlm renovation. kat mane plak clas ni. pastu tanye one of the lecturer kat dlm her room. she said level 11. then i turun la tingkat 11. round round pastu tak jumpe. saw this one guy, tanye die dlm malay tumpang tanye tau tak kat mane clas P2 ACCA. then he answered in english. i'm not sure la. this is clas P1 ACCA. hmmm.. i pun alamak. camne ni. pusing2 dh dkt 9.30am. last last saw this one guy. he looks like a lecturer. i pun tanye cik kat mane class P2. then he showed ni la clas tu. the clas yg that guy ckp ni clas P1. hmm.. pape je la. then, masuk2, lecturer tanye r u in the right clas? this is P2. i said yes. my first clas. then he said haa.. today we r going to have a test. i was like "surprised" takpe takpe.. then i dh order books, gave my hp no as well as email. then lecturer said he'll email me those slides so i can print n read it on my own. habis clas dlm kul 1230. smp umah terasa amat lapar. tgk ade nasi, lauk sardin n telur dadar. lunch ngan mum together. pastu lepak2 baca magazine. tot of nak settle KGE's matter tapi tak jadi. he fetched me nak gi tgk konsert malam indonesia. ade part tak syok sket bile sound system cam out kejap. really enjoying myself. nyanyi2. senyum2. gelak2. hug2. *wink*wink* we watched til ard 11.30pm. then gerak gi makan malam. supper. nasi goreng cina. uiisshhh.. dh lambat perut cam dah masuk angin. tapi bedal je la daripada lapar. hehe.. balik tu cleaned up. tukar baju tido then it's time to sleep. today woke up around 10am. kuar ngan mum kejap she ajak gi tgk kain ela. for my wedding nnt. pastu, balik tertido kejap. pretty hot la these two days. uiisshh... kena minum banyak air kosong ni. so takde rasa nak demam. tadi pun tekak dh rasa tak syok. btw, dh almost 12. shortly nak tido.. --how short?-- hahaha.. funny.. =D

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

nephews and niece

with moms

some of the hantaran from me


huihh..lame dh tak blog. after my big day of engagement on 08.08.08 i took 2 days leave for preparation. on thursday half day i settled on my road tax n insurance. finally, dah takyah nak worried worried pasal takde road tax. so simple once d insurance are already online. pastu gi renew kat pejabat pos je kan. then, i ingat lagi. beli mcd ngan farid. pastu gi kay ell jap. teman [time tu my bf lagi] wat his keje. we then bought nasi lemak kuchai. balik makan kat sec 2. mm..mm..yummy yummy..so delicious. kenyang. balik umah, mandi2 gi umah kak yan kejap nak send barang. pastu i tido kul brape tak ingat sebab hati ku berbunga-bunga. happy, sebak, terharu.. macam2. at last boleh tido gak...
08.08.08--> bangun lebih kurang kul 7.30am. ape i buat ah?? kemas katil, turun bawah, naik atas, kemas2 sket, pastu mandi then breakfast. hari ni umah i bnyk giler food. from bfast til lunch til dinner. pastu i dh cam kelam kabut sbb towards lunch orang khemah blum datang, kak yan dtg lps friday prayer. she said got 1 more bunga to go. hhmm.. takpe relax relax. be cool baby. pastu ard 12 lunch. continue kemas2 ape yg patut. ard 4pm orang khemah dtg. i nye hantaran for him cantik la yan design. so sweet. cantik sgt. nnt i post pic k. around 4.30pm kena mandi siap2 pakai lense sbb kak midah nak dtg make-up. she said she'll be here ard 5pm tapi die dtg dlm kul 5.30. die start make-up pastu pakai baju sumer. roughly dalam kul 6.45pm dh siap..i looked totally different sampai anak buah i cakap aunty shim dah hilang. uuiisshhh..time tu hati ku lagi berdegup2 laju sebab time nak ditunangkan dah dekat. dgr lagu UNGU TERCIPTA UNTUKKU. hubby ckp he dh dekat gate belakang uitm. dah terjerit kat situ ngan mus. mus la ckp rilex shima rilex shima.. thanx for coming my dear fren. wishes from a few friends as well. thank you very much. then rombongan from lelaki lebih kurang 10 bijik keta arrived. fuhh... time tu sumer org dh turun. ard 9.30pm i pun turun bawah to disarungkan cincin by his mother. lps wakil from our side dh berbincang dgn wakil from his side.. hehehe... nervous giler time tu. tangan i sejuk semacam je. mata dok melilau kesane kemari. pastu lenses camera 'klip' 'klap' 'klip' 'klap' kat i.. uiisshhh! cam artist plak. hehehe..perasan giler babe. pastu dh setel ard 10 baca doa, hubby ade kat dalam. terkejut gak. tak perasan bile die masuk. ingat die dh ade kat situ. pastu senyum2 tersipu malu. hehehe.. *wink*wink* ;) then acara makan malam for the tetamu including families. i tak makan. orang tanye time tu i cakap kenyang.. then snap snap photos lagi. mohsein ckp dlm 2 weeks baru siap. so have to standby the $$ to pay him la. so glad dh setel. roughly org sumer balik dlm kul 11.30pm. my make-up tahan quite lame even till ard 1230 time nak cuci tu pun nmpk fresh lagi. first of all kena cabut lense. pastu baru clean up. rasa quite tebal la make-up die. i used quite a lot of the tissue and lotion. dah setel ard 30min. so far, i puas hati la dgn service kak midah. tukar baju tido, mule terasa diriku lapar. makan nasi tambah 2 kali. time nak tido, senyum sorang2 atas katil, wished Alhamdulillah.. kenduri dah selamat. so lepas ni kena kumpul duit to kahwin next year sebab we plan to ikat for 1 year. insya-Allah. for wedding kena discuss lagi nak gune servis make-up mane.. kann. tggu hubby nye approval gak..
feelings: very very very very very happy... still cam tak percaya i dah bertunang. sekarang ni status i ni "tunangan orang" bile tgk cincin di jari manis.. =) senyum lagi. love u hubby!